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Incendia Here there be Dragons

Resurgent Era, Cycle 13, Journey 73, 20th of Brightbloom | RE1373.20BB

World created by Ryan O'Donnell

Incendia is a world shaped by the fundamental forces of nature and the material plane. Though it is not common knowledge how the world was created, the magic that suffuses the world is ubiquitous. From bright blue desert sands to mountains that erupt in flame once every century, there is a primordial wonder - and danger - to the land. Since the last cataclysm, the various humanoid lineages have cultivated a tentative sense of control: the elven conclaves with deep ties to the feywild hidden within the ancient woods, the dwarven palatinates staidly held in the mountains, powered by the harnessing of magma that roils within, and proud Alucran and Tomakran city-states expand over vast plains and encroach inquisitively into wood and under terrain. But make no mistake: this world can and will remind all those that live there how little the smallfolk really control.

Dragonkind, after which the plane is named, has held sway over the world's inhabitants for all of collecive memory. Wyverns, drakes and other draconian creatures have been sighted, hunted, and even tamed in some places for many centuries. But higher dragons, the beings of legend, possessing extraordinary wit and power, magical and physical, returned to the world a mere two cycles ago. They were met by peoples for whom the vast majority of draconian knowledge exists only through folklore. Some dragons were met with fanatical reverence, their return taken as heraldic messaging from dragonlords of myth. Others were vindicated in their beliefs of dragons as monsters, witnessing the beasts pillaging and destroying all they pleased. And others still sought out these magical beings to befriend and beseech them to defend an uneasy set of societies from destruction.

Over the past 171 Journeys, Higher Dragons have become a fact of life on the continent. Their roles in recent history have ben varied, from the looming menace of the Tyrant of the Stratovulcan Spire to the famous Gold Dragon Akaestrel, known for brokering peace between the Human Brakendi Dominion and Smallfolk Cardonnas Republic to form the powerful State of Kestrum. But no matter how denizens of Incendia view their Draconic co-inhabitants, all can agree that the world has become considerably more dangerous.


The Palucan High Hylaxes take on the World

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Looking for Players
Incendian Adventures

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

The Campaign consisting of my friends' adventures in Incendia as run in 5e by me.
