Dragonkin Species in In The Wake | World Anvil
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The Dragonkin are a race of Reptilian Humanoids with Draconic traits. Often compared to dragons, and accused of bearing a heritage of dragons, these creatures are often found in large groups or communities of their own kind, often in a large array of appearances, scale colors, and sheens.   They are known most by their colored scales, which can be practically any color of the rainbow, but more than their outward, physical appearance, they are known for their ability to breathe elemental energy, similar to Dragons, but to a lesser respect. A majority of Dragonkin will have horns adorning their head, of various length and number, and some even have spines that serve as ears, or rudders in the water- Adaptions from their original design when they were first created by the dragons. More than that, many Dragonkin also possess a tail- That with the appearance of a dragon's- That aids in balance and, to some degree, expression. Though all Dragonkin are seen as equal to one another, some say that those with a tail are more honest- Having been born with their emotions quite literally being in plain eye's view.   A Dragonkin's scales may be of any color, but the color does not necessarily correlate to their breath weapon- Though a blue dragon may breathe lightning, a blue Dragonkin may breathe poison, fire, lightning, or even necrotic energy. Moreover, two green Dragonkin may have a child that isn't green- A result of scale color being related to many genes.    Dragonkin are a loyal bunch, often holding the respect of their family and bloodline high, but not above personal relationships such as found family, love and deep friendship. Above all else, they respect freedom and independence- Making them quite violent enemies of Drow, and any species seeking to enslave them. In particular, Dragonkin will often oppose any evil dragons they encounter, but still have the common sense to run. In the event of capture, many Dragonkin would rather perish than become a slave, whether by magic, force, or otherwise, to another being.


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