The Ur-Zen Memory Scroll Prose in In the Shadow of Princes | World Anvil

The Ur-Zen Memory Scroll

Precious Precursor artifact recovered from the Paris Oubliens

With the recovery of the lost tunnels of Oubliens, Jimmy Nails unearthed the Ur-Zen memory scroll relic, an accordion folded bark paper codex brought to Paris by Master Yves Olivoix in the fifth century PCE. The Oubliens sage, Aebram showed Jimmy sections of the codex detailing the legacy of the final Road Wars andt he origin of the Seven Sword as well as the fabled Star Rod, which the Ur-Zun memory scroll identified as the "Sun Staff." According to the legend inscribed within the scroll, Olivoix, an altruistic adventurer of the early post-cataclysmic era, had been the original seeker of the "Seven SEAs." He and his companions had formed a band of folk heroes collectively known as the Seven Sentinels of Urzen and they had traveled the earth during the last days of Poisoned Sea and Sky. Among the last of the legendary Road Warriors, the Sentinels wandered the wreckage of the Precursor world astride black fuel engines rolling upon black rubber wheels. They sought to recover fragments of the lost Precursor civilization and defended the emerging outposts of Restoration humanity from savage gangs of mutant subhumans. Their wanderings eventually led them on a perilous journey across the western ocean to a pair of lost Precursor Kingdoms known as Or-Ad and Ur-Zun.
According to the legend, while exploring the Oasis Realm of Ur-Zun in the distant western continent, Olivoix had received the Seven Sword and Sun Staff from an enigmatic Visitor known as the "Nightman." Bearing sword and staff in hand, Olivoix returned to his birth caves in Paris in order to make preparations for a new expedition that would span the entire globe. This Quest of Seven SEAs called for the recovery of a series of ancient Precursor installations and spoke of a grand plan to restore fallen humanity to the glories of the Precursor world.
Jimmy further learned of the corruption of Olivoix's companion, Jost Desaad, who betrayed the Seven Sentinels in the tunnels of Paris and sealed the caves of Oubliens in order to conceal the memory of his crime. Desaad went on to found the Empire of the Hidden Hand, which he ruled as First Prince for four centuries until his defeat at the Battle of New York. Gazing upon the decorative tapestry adorning the wall of the Oubliens lore chamber, Jimmy looked upon the image of Desaad and saw a face he recognized: the face of the man who had forced him to rebuild XHAN and who had stolen the Star Rod.


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