The Book of Seven Mysteries Item in In the Shadow of Princes | World Anvil

The Book of Seven Mysteries

This book is bound in black leather and the face of the binding is decoratively etched in filigree white pearl. The binding is loose indicating that additional quires have been added to the gathering of folia over time. This observation is confirmed by the mismatched folia comprising the distinct quire gatherings. The script is inscribed in a single hand, indicating that it is a holograph manuscript written and inscribed by a distinct author.

The content of the book is primarily in English, but some passages are written in other languages. It consists of three sections: (1) a memoir of Oliver Chastain’s tutelage and training at the Phoenix Academy in Memphis; (2) an account of Chastain’s discovery of a Laradan Precursor vault containing records of an ancient mystical organization called the Leymen; (3) and a grimoire explaining Chastain’s discovery of psychic magic including a collection of magical rituals and invocations.


Section I Excerpt

My childhood had not been altogether unhappy, but even at the best of times I couldn’t hide a troubled mind… As I grew older, these troubles increased. I received strange communications from unseen agents, voices in the darkness whispering blasphemies…

Having exhausted the talents of Merika’s greatest physicians, my parents sent me to the mystics of the Phoenix Order. This was done against my wishes, but they were desperate to cure my psychological disorder and willing to try anything…

The scions of the Phoenix Academy in Memphis were most welcoming. They were eager to extol the virtues of their ascetic practices and peppered their speeches with hints of secret powers and fragments of forbidden knowledge. I was utterly entranced. After months of fasting, mantras, and meditation, however, I began to realize that the temple proctors had no interest in promoting me beyond the rank of acolyte…

It didn’t take a psychic to realize I was being passed over in favour of newer recruits. I’d learned the temple Latin of the Order. I knew it better than the proctors realized. After some investigation I came to realize I was not “Evigilatus,” not one of “the Awakened.” My mind was not suitably evolved to make use of what I had learned at the academy, nor would it unless I permitted the Phoenix physicians to alter my brain through an untried surgical procedure. Unwilling to play the role of sacrificial lamb, I left the academy and sought another path…


Section II Excerpt

I’d read about the Leymen in the restricted libraries of the Memphis Academy and I recognized their symbols, but actually discovering the Leymen vault was an unexpected breakthrough. Inspired by dreams and visions, I had journeyed far and rendered sacrifice to an unseen spirit. Hands stained in ritual blood, I had found my reward…

The Phoenix Order scoffed at the idea of ancient magic. They believed the human mind was the true font of all power. The Leymen knew different. They knew that the universe was suffused with hidden energies and that the earth itself was a conduit for these powers. Gazing into the reflecting pool of the Leymen vault, I realized I was standing on the edge of a great current through which flowed the tangible forces of universal knowledge. The sigils and signs of the Leymen could direct the flowing current and produce miraculous effects, will manifested in reality: real magic. In spite of these miracles, however, I found no lore to explain the voices speaking from beyond…

My psychic meditations had put me in contact with an intelligence beyond human comprehension. Leymen magi had promoted a balance of nature and supernature within the mortal realm. They also warned against the influence of extra-terrestrial entities that sought entry to the leylines of earth. If I was to learn the name of that voice whispering in the dark, I would have to go beyond the narrow vision of the Leymen and expand my view to encompass other worlds, perhaps even other universes…


Section III Excerpt

This section is largely written in unidentified script consisting of no less than three distinct languages and two distinct alphabets. The section begins with an introductory passage in English that reads as a kind of command delivered on behalf of a being known as “Lukan.”

The Voice of the Eternal One Speaks
Beware of wavering: Blot out suspicion of Us. for we are gods that have reigned, do reign, and shall reign forever. All our Mysteries shall be known unto you. Behold, these things and their mysteries shall be known unto you, reserving the secrets of Him that reigns forever.

At this, the voice of a Multitude answered, singing “Lukan,” whose Name is great forever.

This work shall have relation to time present and present use, to Mysteries far exceeding it, and, finally, to a Purpose and Intent, whereby the Majesty and Name of the Eternal shall and may and, of force, must appear with the Apparition of his wonders and marvels yet unheard of.

You have a work of Three proportions in Esse, of Seuen in Forma: which is of itself divided by a number Septenarie. Of the Course, estate, and determination of things above, things next, and things below: which of it self is pure, perfect, and without blemish.

He that stands in the midst of the Globe signifies NATURE: whereupon in the first point is the use and practice of this work: That is to say, as concerning the first part, for it is said this book contains three kinds of knowledges:

The knowledge of true God
The number & doing of his agent spirits perfectly
and The beginning and ending of Nature Substantially.

These knowledges, having been realized through six Mysteries, shall and must reveal a fourth knowledge, which is the seventh and highest Mystery.  

sun tesseract

  299 792 458
150 600 000 000
940 000 000 000

  In three proportions the space and time of the Black Fire Demon reveals itself. This is the first revelation of Mystery.

Origin and Possession:

This book was recovered from the wreck of the Vendetta. It is currently in the possession of Jayne.

Book of Seven Mysteries

Item type
Book / Document


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