Premonitions of Sacrifice and Apocalypse Report in In the Shadow of Princes | World Anvil

Premonitions of Sacrifice and Apocalypse

The Dream Vault Brings Forth Morbid Revelations

General Summary

It is February 18th, 1000 PCE. You have not had a long rest since you slept in the Chamber of the Achieved Ones.
You are still in the Dream Curse (Dream Vault).

Ghost Pelota

The Party saw spectral Ornish athletes playing a strange sport.

Sacrifice Chamber

The Party entered a large irregularly shaped room dominated by a giant stone wall carving of a tiger’s face. Shadowed wraiths moved through the chamber arranging sinister tools upon stone altars. A tiger prowled the floor among the shadows until the wraiths seized it and placed it upon an altar for sacrifice. Muffled sobbing sounded from an indistinct location.
The wraith cultists ignored the Party until the room’s threshold was breached, at which point the eyes of the wall carving ignited with scarlet flame. The tools laid upon the altars began to float above the stone tables and characters passing the room’s threshold experienced a malevolent psychic attack: a crazed compulsion to lie on the altars and submit to the autonomous sacrificial blades.
In the ensuing fight, the Party struggled to save the tiger while also protecting each other, for many who entered the room fell victim to the haunting death urge. Amid the chaos, Robb began firing disruption bolts at the red flames and successfully extinguished them thus suppressing the haunt manifestation.
After investigating the cowering tiger, the Party deduced that it must be the distorted astral projection of Anzar Cerdan, whose mind has by now been truly broken by the horrors of Lex Tetrax’s Dream Curse. The Party declined to try waking up from the nightmare and instead decided to use the Dream Curse to explore unseen sections of the Moon Vault.

Calendar Stone

In the same room opposite the tiger carving, the Party found a stone table containing a flint dagger (which detected as a psionic +1 dagger of lycanthrope bane). This object, existing in Material Reality, could not be obtained in the Dream Curse. The Party consequently learned that the Slayer Sword carried by Adelle was a +1 longsword of Empyrean bane.
Above this altar table was a round stone calendar like the one examined on the bottom level of Allodee Necropolis. Upon examining the calendar, the Party realized it was composed of movable stone rings and depicted a jumbled representation of the same historical cycle depicted on the other calendar wheel. The only differences were the etched arrow above the top of the stone, which read “present day,” and the center of the wheel, which read “The Great Eclipse.”
The Party reconfigured the movable stone wheels and set the calendar’s present day to May 11, 3167, the date corresponding to the last eclipse indicated on the Allodee calendar wheel. This caused the center plate to recede into the wall revealing a tunnel passage. Inside the tunnel, Robb found a disturbing painting depicting a horrible eclipse event: a great black maw opened in the sky as an obscene menagerie of unthinkable horrors poured out from it.

Hallway of Doors

The Party faced three closed doors. They used a metal bar blocking one of these passages to force open another. The stuck door opened after a final crashing heave; Math tumbled into the room beyond and disappeared from view: vanished in a chamber that appeared to be no more than a closet. Jayne took hold of a rope and followed after him, but he too disappeared leaving the rope behind him.
Report Date
12 Dec 2020
Areas and Encounters
Ghost Pelota
Sacrifice Chamber
Calendar Stone
Hallway of Doors
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