Kingdom of Capetia Organization in In the Shadow of Princes | World Anvil

Kingdom of Capetia

Known as the Border Realm, Capetia is the unified kingdom of the emergent French nation-state. The counties of Franconia united in 941 PCE under the leadership of King Raimund Capet. The Capet family has retained status as the ruling house of Capetia ever since, though a new election by the noble council of electors is due in the coming year. The current Capet monarch, Anna II, faces strong opposition from those who consider her guilty of collaboration during the occupation of Capetia by Imperial forces.


Ruled by a hereditary monarchy, the ruling house is selected every 30 years by the nomination of the council of regional lords, who hold their own domains independently but in service to the sovereign.


Until its unification in 941, the Franconian provinces were vulnerable to invasions by eastern invaders from Germania. A state of nearly constant feudal warfare made the Rhine marches a proving ground for warriors throughout the Border Realm, so named for its role a the gatekeeper between the western realms and the eastern clan lands. Unified Capetia has retained a prominent warrior ethos, which is demonstrated in the valour of significant heroic figures such as Pierre Centsol, Rollan Leroux@, and General Serge Bertrand.
Capetia is also known for the appreciation of high culture. Its art and music, arguably the most refined in Europe, are imitated throughout the neighboring kingdoms, which both resent and envy the superior Capetian attitude regarding the attainments of culture.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Border Realm, Franconia
Capetians, French


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