24 hour construction 40 feet from pillow - Leading cause of death Condition in In Kato's Words | World Anvil

24 hour construction 40 feet from pillow - Leading cause of death

What is the leading cause of death in your world?   The very old historic landmark elementary school situated across the street from my bedroom is still in use. The new part of the school was linked like a maze that looked like it had been slapped together in the 70s when construction companies were being told asbestos was being banned (except for the stuft they already had on hand of course).   The beautiful old darkened red brick building of the old school, or the original school is lovely. There are giant oak trees growing impossibly close to the building that have lived longer than any living person in my community.   But the neighborhood is growing. It's become the hot place to move to for families with young children. I've always loved this community with its sort of Mayberry-cum-Artist refuge. Views from the top of the Bluff are breathtaking and summer and winter there are a number of fine food truck restaurants that crawl around the neighborhood like the old 'popsicle man'.   New people resulted in a rapidly growing need for expansion at the school with its stolid old beauty. New classrooms are neeeded. The middle section of the school, truly an eye sore was rather like an airplane gate ramp actually. The plan was to remove those, remove some old portables that aren't up to code, keep the original old school, the Folktale center, etc. Great idea.   The construction was ready to begin in late 2019. I saw the architectural plans and was impressed. Construction began around January or February of 2020. In early March, I picked Benjamin up from school for spring break. He never went back. The entire world changed. We all know it was the year of Corona, internet flings, Facebook madness, a president who resembled an orangutan without the intelligence of that grate ape. Everything and nothing happened.   Everything changed. Except for the construction. It has continued 7 days a week through most of the worst of the pandemic. I can't tell you what they're doing. Even if I went over there and asked, I would forget what they told me by the time I crossed the street because I have racked up quite a pile of sleep debt.   Already cursed with substantial insomnia, 2020 was rough. Plus there was a pandemic.   2021 came along and the construction continued. From the sound of it, I can only guess they are finding enormous steel beams, lifting them as high as possible into the air with cranes, then releasing them into a circle of empty steel dumpsters made specifically for enormous steel beams for that reverberating ear splitting decibel fun.   I have become an expert on ear plugs. By expert, I mean that I've learned that none exist that can drown out the shock of that 18 ton steel beam dropping into the empty steel receptacle 20 feet from my pilllow. Did I say 4o feet before? Who cares, I forget why I asked.   Because a few people in my state got vaccinated, school is set to open again. Opening day is August 12. I think this is still July. I'm afraid you would have to ask someone who sleeps.   The construction hell I've lived through for over a year has almost become background noise in the daytime because you know, I've lost my hearing. But now the construction crew is working 24 hours per day. It is after midnight. I can form a complete sentence with a great deal of effort if I close one eye while I type.   If one must suffer the Cthulu like madness of 24 hour a day construction, I predict there may be mayhem and murder soon. There will at least be a lot of cursing.   Have I mentioned that I've learned to sleep through the tornado siren that is perched aloft a pole 25 feet from my pillow? Well, this is different. Or is it? I don't know anymore. If I ever sleep again, maybe I will know and maybe I will remember to let you know.
If by wild chance you can't tell, this is meant to be humorous but it's serious, people!