Humans Species in Implacabilis | World Anvil
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A Basic Overview of Races, Vol. 1
Humans are a seinentiant species with one of the highest reproductions rates, and due to their high adaptability and mass collaboration, make them the most common species in our known world. As such they are often used as a control or base for any research regarding other species and their characteristics, this could also be due to their unanimous lack of visible external features, but common outer anatomy and form, as many artists have stated ‘...a good canvas to build upon.’

This also leads to the issue that we come to know much of other species and make a multitude of assumptions for Humans, when Humans themselves have qualities and characteristics that don’t always transfer. As such always keep in mind that Humans aren’t a base, but another species that shares numerous commonalities with all others.

Basic Information


Acutely symmetrical beings who consists of the basic features that are common among the bipedal humanoid species.   It’s a well known fact that many creatures share similar biological systems, but Humans are known to be oddly adaptable in ways that many others aren't. The current accepted theory involves the nervous and endocrine systems.

A Human’s neural network seems to form connections to practiced actions and outside stimuli at a faster rate than that of others. Numerous unaccounted hormones are believed to provide a stronger basis to the partnership between the endocrine and nervous system. Which allow Humans to tolerate, and in the case of a few generations completely adapt to, harsh environments / situations.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans are sexually dimorphic with noticeable but no extreme difference. Reproduction takes place as internal fertilization via sexual intercourse, which is common for many land dwelling species. The fetus is less prone to outside interference, magical or otherwise, due to the consistent protection of the female during the eight to ten month gestation period. During the first three months of infancy the child is protected from the majority magical inflections from the biological mother’s magical defense, magically affiliated or not - which is a phenomena the we have yet to find an answer for.

Growth Rate & Stages

Humans don't reach maturity until around twenty years of life, at which point their physical body stabilizes. This is known as the Age of Maturity.  
  • In the case of magical attunement it's not always immediately obvious, but if the individual is not capable of at least perceiving magical energy by the Age of Maturity, it's unlikely that they would be capable of manipulating The Weave within their lifetime. Human's are the only species that have have a deadline for obtaining magical attunement. It's difficult to deduce why this is or how a Human can actively work to obtain it.

Ecology and Habitats

Due to Human's high adaptability in tolerance, on an individual and generational basis, they can be found in numerous locations around the world. Prefer to inhabit flat- or grasslands, one of the ideal environments to build settlements upon.

There are groups of Human's that exist in smaller numbers that have adapted so thoroughly it's still debated if they can technically be classified as Human, or if they serve as a variation.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Human's have a lower threshold for digestion than most other species, but still have a rich amount of food diversity. Due to the increased size of their settlements, Humans make use of Agricultural methods to procure sustenance.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Without attunement towards The Weave, Humans have one of the smallest range for perception as compared to all other species. How ever due to their natural ability to adapt, their range varies depending on environment and necessity - shared between a plethora of species. Like most sentient races, a Human's ability to magically perceive the world is amplified depending on the class and strength of their abilities.

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