Imperium Romanum Organization in Imperatrix | World Anvil
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Imperium Romanum

    Imperium Romanum, The Imperium or Roma, is one of the longest and most influential states in the world by the year 1700 ab urbem conditam. Roma controls the largest territory in the world that covers millions of miles with the continuous Imperium stretching from the Artic to the Antarctic and from the Indus to the Atlantic.


As denoted in the Ordo Societas the Imperium is divided into multiple subdivisions. From the top is the Imperial Authority that holds dominion over the entire Imperium and deals with external diplomacy. The power of the Imperial Authority devided between the Imperatrix for civil affairs and the Ceaser for Martial affairs. Bellow the Imerial Authority the Prefecture that deals with interactions between the Diocese's and inter Prefectural matters. It headed by the Prefecta for civil affairs and the Preator for martial affairs. Within the Prefecture is the Diocese that are responsible for inter Diocesian matters and mediate between Provinces. It headed by a Vicaria for civil matters and a Comes for martial maters. The Province is next that hold a disproportionate amount of civil responsibility compared to the other divisions, as the province must have the most hands on in terms of infrastructure as well as mediation between the Urbs. The Province is headed by a Praeses for the civil maters and a Dux for the martial matters. The Urb is the center of administration for various Tellurum, or regions, within a Province and holds the most martial responsibility in comparison to the other subdivisions due to its patroling of the Tellurum and enforcement of laws the civil matters for an Urb consist mostly of coordinating the various Oppidum's. The Urb is administrated by a Mayor for civil maters and a Legate for martial maters. The Oppidum act as extensions of the Urbs administration of the Tellurum that handle smaller regions in the Province by comparison and are either centers of manufacturing or a hub for Villa's to send their resources. The Oppidum is headed Civically by a Saeta and Martially by a Primus Tribune. For the Villa's there is little regulation on their internal structure and act within the Ordo Societas as a group of Familias and Tribes for sake of administrative needs. Though informal the civil head for a Villa is often denoted as a Matrona with the martial being at most a Optio if the Villa is large enough to need more than one Contubernium.


The Roman Culture is diverse and tenuously connected through law. The main tenants for any Roman however is Found Family, Duty, Honor, and Politics. The Found Family is shown as a Roman's quest to find their place in society. The Duty is expressed in a Roman living up to the expectation of their sex, dignitas, and genus, a man is expected to work and labor for the Familia while a woman is expected to manage and raise the Familia, Patricians are expected to take care of the Plebeian's and the Plebeians are expected to do what is best for the Imperium. Honor is often demonstrated by a Roman ensuring they are seen as worthy of their community, keeping to verbal contracts, and admitting fault when needed.   The Politics are a core part of Roman Culture for how central they have become for their daily lives, the Familia is not often a family of blood but often is a collection of like minded individuals and navigating the legally necessary group is crucial. Beyond the Familia is the Tribe or a collection of Familia's that benefit each other while less crucial than Familial Politics, Tribal Politics are still needed to navigate everyday life. After the Tribal level politics is often seen as a Woman's domain as only a Plebeian Woman can be a Solium while men interested in politics further go into the Ministerium or Omnis Militaris.   Women in Roman Culture hold the most power in their society as many laws are gendered and lineage, when applicable, is fallowed matrilineally and unlike their earlier history and neighboring cultures it is the man that joins the woman's family upon marriage with special exceptions. Women are the ones who own the land, women make up the Solium and Senatus. Mental work is also considered feminine many Romans so most academic field are female dominated from doctors and teachers to engineers and chemists. This is exemplified in The Progenetrix, a statue depicting a woman's place in society, a two hundred foot stone statue depicting a woman wearing a laurel, a symbol of civic leadership, while holding a swaddled infant, a symbol of motherhood, and a scroll, a symbol of academia. While the Progenator, a statue of man's place in society, is of the same height but instead he wears a galea, a symbol of martial leadership, while holding a hammer, a symbol of physical labor, and a drawn sword, a symbol of the military.   In Roman Culture the wealth is considered something to use rather than store the Roman Axiom "Silver in a chest gathers tarnish and dust, but spent silver keeps it's shine." This is expressed in everything from how Roman's dress, what they eat, and what their buildings are made out of.

Public Agenda

The Imperium's public agenda is and has always been to bring civilization to the world.

Demography and Population

Population - 1.2 Billion


The Omnis Militaris

Imortalis Imperium, Roma Invictus, Ego nolo Advolvo

Founding Date
9th of Aprilis 1
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Imperium, Roma,
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Presidential
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Denari, promissory notes guarantied and backed by an amount of silver in the Argentum Fisco.
Legislative Body
The Imperial Senatus
Judicial Body
The First Imperial Curia.
Executive Body
Solium bureaucratic enforcementĀ and Omnis Militaris for physical enforcement.
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

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