Erhard Character in Immortals | World Anvil


Erhard was an important person in the politics and religious wars of the Later Rhemian Empire during the 17th century. He occupied several high offices during his lifetime due to a combination of ambition, a knack for ingratiating himself with those in power without provoking too much hostility from others, and military competence.   Raised and educated in the south, Erhard was a fervent Communal and a formidable opponent to the Declarant cause and therefore highly esteemed by the emperor Theodrich. He especially crippled the efforts of Abonia to become the first officially Declarant area of the Later Rhemian Empire during The Abonian war. Erhard effectively kept many of the most powerful Declarant leaders from supporting Bastian by playing up their religious differences, promising more religious freedoms if they remained loyal to the emperor and horrendous vengeance campaigns in those areas which did rebel.   He effectively used similar tactics later in life to gain his various offices. Although his desire to gain said positions seem to have been fuelled more by personal ambition than loyalty, these offices were granted to him by emperor Theodrich in return for his services. This gave him the reputation of being a staunch supporter of the emperor. His Communal peers were therefore hesitant to make a grab for his power directly and Erhard's wealth and military competence, in combination with the reports of what his troops did to rebellious Declarants, made the prospect even less attractive and Erhard was therefore relatively free to grow his influence.   Records of the end of his life and career are confused and contradictory, and none of the Immortals have yet witnessed any of his later life first-hand yet.
Year of Birth
1588 AR

Cover image: by M.S.E. Bente/Menatith
Character Portrait image: by Menatith via Artbreeder


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