Temple Island in Immortal | World Anvil
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Temple Island

Heart and home of the Temple of Learning. The island is an autonomous enclave inside the Kratoan Empire.

The great library

While the temple grounds cover the whole island inch by inch with its intricate halls and walkways, most of it is occupied by the great library of the temple. Ancient rows of shelves fade into the horizon, archiving every single piece of information from past millenniums. The complex library needs its own historians and map makers to make sense and to rediscover old and abandoned knowledge.

Observatories and universities

The temple island boasts with its many universities, where theology and magic are studied and research is happening around the clock. Even the study necromancy is allowed to certain degree, as it is better to know your enemy than be blindsided.   Offspring of wealthy families are sent there at a young age, with a substantial donation to the temple, to become wizards, mystic theurges, clerics, alchemists or loremasters.


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