Eos in Immortal | World Anvil
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Eos is the coastal region in the east, between Heavensward Mountains and Erimean Desert, following northern coastline of Southern Ocean and the Erimean peninsula. All the islands and archipelagos southeast of the mountain range are considered to be in Eos.

Pirates, pagodas and prosperity


The Eos archipelago harbors many pirate bases and camps between small, but tall sandstone islands. The sheer cliff faces of these pillar-like islands are bare, but in nooks and crannies, as well as the top of the cliffs, vegetation blooms in all hues of green. The waves have carved crevices and caves over the ages, and these are perfect hiding places for the unsavoury and outlaw.   The Eoans like to deal with these problems internally, not involving the Church of Law at the matter. They are seen as outsiders to the locals.  


The largest demographic of the region are the Teleon people. Their culture and customs suggest that one should better themselves, no matter the discipline. If you bring good to the community, the community will be good to you. They revere Techios and Mathos as their patron gods, and many monasteries have been built for them. Also the Temple of Learning has a big presence in the region.  


Due to the coastal nature of the region, trade is easy, even though the pirates tax the trade routes heavily. Almost all the major settlements in the regions started as simple trading posts, that grew naturally over the time. The families that ran these posts became influencing members of the region, until they could assume lordship. The political game of the region revolves around trade contracts, political marriages and a network debts and favours that is being held together by honor.


Warm to tropical, frequent rains. Occasional typhoons.

Languages spoken

Eonian, Khaloan, Elven, Dwarven.

Prominent religions

Techios, Mathos, Temple of Learning, Torphos for ceremonies and Cult of Heroes.


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