Mantis Bugbattler Character in Immelion | World Anvil
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Mantis Bugbattler

Mantis Bugbattler (a.k.a. Manny)

Mantis Bugbattler is a charismatic, blue-collared halfling that comes from a long line of exterminators. During an infernal cockroach raid of his hometown of Rinolyn, Mantis recieved divine power from an unknown god and became a paladin. Mantis isn't sure who imbued this power upon him, or why, but he followed rumor of more infernal beasts west. He hopes to find out more information about his patron god and fight for the safety of the people of Immelion.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Mantis loves a good blue jean or a paid of coveralls.

Mental characteristics


Mantis goes for a person first and gender is a non-issue.


Mantis has been trained to inherit the family business of exterminating, a goal that he has wholeheartedly embraced. However, after being inbued with a higher power during the infernal cockroach raid on Rinolyn, Mantis' heart took him in a new direction. He spent a few months training his younger brother Hopper in the exterminator trade and took off on his own adventure, much to the frustration of his father.

Morality & Philosophy

Mantis grew up with the mantra "family first." He always had plans to inherit the family business, settle down with a nice halfling (or dwarf or elf or gnome or... he's not picky), and continue the Bugbattler name.


Contacts & Relations

Hopper, his younger brother (19 years old) Squito, his retired father (90 years old) Lindal, his artisan mother (80 years old) (previously of the Fairfoot clan)

Religious Views

Mantis grew up in a casually religious household (like the equivalent of going to Mass for Easter and Christmas), but never considered himself super religious. It came as a surpise, then, when power entered his being in the form of a shield of light expanding across his body, as the mother demon cockroach was about to deal a final bite to him.

Social Aptitude

Mantis glides through social situations like fish through the water. He is naturally liked and rarely fumbles a conversation that requires some charm.


Manny is a laid back guy. He hides most of his worries and confusion behind a mask of empty-headed charm.


Mantis speaks with a southern accent for... some reason.

Mantis Bugbattler was born in the small village of Rinolyn and lived in a caring, family minded home. Mantis comes from a long line of exterminators, but received a divine calling to become a paladin during an infernal raid.

Character Location
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Lawful good
Date of Birth
1094 2E
3 ft
43 lbs

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