Draconus Concordia Document in Imeria | World Anvil

Draconus Concordia

And so it came to be that the four Great Drakes of the Summerlands came together speak, each wiser than their followers and tired of the needless bloodshed. The talks were long, stretching from hours to days, from days to nights, and from nights to days again, and so forth it was many times over before the Grand Dragons came to their conclusion. Once finished with their great discussion the drakes combined their wills and drew from the earth, a stone obelisk upon which their decision was written and it was these writings that would be known as the Draconus Concordia. - The Histories of the Summer Lands, Vol. III


The Draconus Concordia was written as a formal agreement between the four great drakes Sev'larax The Silver, Arcalum The Bronze, Vanal'graz the Copper and Tchun Kara The Brass to end the conflict between their followers. It also ratified The Drakeholds as a unified state.

Historical Details


The Draconus Concordia marks the end of The Drake War and created the The Drakeholds as a unified state on Kalia. It also marked the location where the capital city of the Drakeholds would stand, known today as [tbd].

Public Reaction

The initial reaction to the dragons' decision was one of much joy, as peace was a thing unheard in almost four hundred years. Yet in the coming days peace proved more challenging as once enemy soldiers were now to lay down their arms and work side by side with those they had called enemy, some for the entirety of their lives till this point.


The document created the Drakeholds a power on Kalia that still exists to this day. The obelisk itself, called the Drake Stone is considered a national, burgeoning on holy, treasure to the people of the Drakeholds.