Vecna Character in Imdaril | World Anvil


Divine Domains

Secrets, Hidden Knowledge, Death

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Left hand holding an eye.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

God of necromancy, subversion of the natural order, natural enemy of the Raven Queen, one of her ravens plucked out his eye. Once a follower of Orcus, Vecna was ousted when the Raven Queen destroyed him. He continually seeks the knowledge needed to dispose of this upstart little girl permanently.

Physical Description

Body Features

Sometimes appears skeletal, sometimes not.

Facial Features

Dark brown goatee.

Identifying Characteristics

Missing left eye, which is covered by an ornately-filigreed crown in his "human" state.

Physical quirks

Never quite in focus, can only be seen out of the corner of one’s eye.

Apparel & Accessories

Classic dark purple and black wizard's robes.

Mental characteristics

Failures & Embarrassments

Banished by the Raven Queen when she ascended to her divine throne in the wake of Orcus's defeat.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to own all knowledge in the universe and will destroy it so others cannot have it.

Personality Quirks

Usually works through intermediaries.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Arch-Lich, The Whispered One, The Undying King
Green, blazing (missing left)
Dark brown
Character Prototype
Dr. Strange (Marvel)


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