Shabakar Character in Imdaril | World Anvil


A disgraced aarakocra monk seeking a way to conceal the secret he drinks to forget.

Physical Description

Body Features

Head, neck, and shoulder feathers royal blue, tapering down into white on abdomen. Wings, arms and legs solid black. Talons pale yellow.

Facial Features

Beak is hooked, yellow.

Specialized Equipment

  • Brewer's supplies
  • Alchemist's supplies
  • Herbalism kit

Mental characteristics

Failures & Embarrassments

Disgraced and ejected from his monastery as a result of his heavy alcohol use.

Morality & Philosophy

Free Thinking: Inquiry and curiosity are the pillars of progress. (Chaotic)

Personality Characteristics


Should my discovery come to light, it could bring ruin to the world.

Virtues & Personality perks

I am utterly serene, even in the face of disaster.

Vices & Personality flaws

I like keeping secrets and won't share them with anyone.

Personality Quirks

I often get lost in my own thoughts and contemplation, becoming oblivious to my surroundings.


Family Ties

Shabakar's ancestors are counted among the founders of the Ivory Wind Sanctuary and his family members continue to hold positions of respect in the organization. If asked, he would say that he grew up closer to his mother, as she would often take him hunting with her in his formative years. Shabakar's father was one of the assistant brewers in the monastery, and had begun teaching his son the craft before his exile.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
800 C.A. 30 Years old
Amber, bird of prey
Royal blue feathers
105 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Aarakocra, Auran, Elvish


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