Jessala Songlark Character in Imdaril | World Anvil

Jessala Songlark

Roguish gnome woman who owns a bar in her village. Though she settled down to raise her family after her husband’s passing, she retains combat skills that make her a valuable guide in the Feywild. She would like to pass these skills to her children as soon as possible, given the unstable state of the world.

Mental characteristics


Owns and runs the tavern in her village with the help of her children. She also takes jobs as a guide through the Feywild, though seldom ventures too far from home.


Family Ties

Mother of two children: Bebble (12) and Lizalyn (7).
Dark brown, braided
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned and freckled
Known Languages
Common, Gnomish, Elvish, some Sylvan


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