Hekan Character in Imarand: The Twin Worlds | World Anvil
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The Withered Wanderer, Patron of Graverobbers and Archeologists

Hekan is a large humanoid towering over any human with ease. His imposing stature is covered in bandages that wrap around its obsidian skin. Its head is a grinning skull of a sizeable furless canine.   It wanders the world, seeking new lucrative opportunities and wealth to amass, giving preference to unclaimed and forgotten treasures in dungeons, castles, and tombs. Hekan isn't interested in business and trade where papers or promises are exchanged or petty theft, but more where physical objects are taken or uncovered. Although it does visit markets and fairs over the worlds to trade and display any relics, it has discovered, caring less about those buy or even dare to steal cursed or even dangerous relics. In its eyes, that person has seised an opportunity from him.   Hekan also grants opportunities to those bold enough to trade him. This exchange is often wordless. Hekan gifts someone knowledge through ancient books or scrolls of parchments, or even (cursed) items that will lead them further—leading the unprepared in often dangerous or even deadly situations.   It doesn't have the same moral compass the most humanoid races have and is very indifferent about the opportunities' consequences. There are tales of it digging up graves in the middle of the day, only to be scared away. Groundskeepers are only to find the grave empty the next day anyway.  
Hekan's followers hold to the following:
  • You can't take it with you…but I can certainly take it with me.
  • Seise an opportunity as it presents itself.
Granted power by: Bayrion
Followers: Graverobbers, archeologists, scholars, and fortune-seekers
Favored Weapon: Light Pick and/or Shovel*
Sacred Animal: Hound
  *Clerics of Hekan treat shovel as if it's a light mace and not as an improvised weapon.  


  Those who have made deals with Hekan often wear gain pact with him, sometimes even without knowing. Those who explore their pact further often find attractive new opportunities.   These pacts are explained here Pacts chapter of the Imarand campaign setting.   Hekan's Opptunity  
A gifted opportunity is not to be squandered, less someone else beats you to it.
  Mark: You carry a unique item with you that has no intrinsic value but can be stolen or taken from you.
Vow: You have been granted an opportunity; you feel an unnerving pull to follow and see what it brings you. As a part of the pact, you have traded something with Hekan of either physical or non-physical nature.   Disrupt Undead: You gain the Disrupt Undead cantrip as an at-will spell-like ability.
Danger Sense: You gain a +4 bonus to detect traps and a +4 bonus to saving throws against traps for 10 minutes per level.
Inspiration: Once per day as a free action, you can add 1d6 to the result of any Knowledge, Linguistics, or Spellcraft skill checks, including any on which he takes 10 or 20. This choice is made after the check is rolled and before the results are revealed.

Divine Domains

Chaos, Luck, Repose, Rune, Travel
Divine Classification
Demi God
Chaotic Neutral

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Cover image: World Anvil Banner - Imarand: The Twin Worlds by Martijn Donker
Character Portrait image: Hekan Holy Symbol by Martijn Donker


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