Oye Tree (Oh-Ye)

Basic Information


It has a large trunk with light green leaves. The branches bend down. It resembles a Western Hemlock.

Genetics and Reproduction


Growth Rate & Stages

It grows every 3 years on the planet. It grows from a seed into a sapling then a young mature tree to a fully fledged grown tree. The sapling stage is when the tree is most vulnerable to harsh winds. The young mature stage is when the leaves start to emerge. The Storcel tend to harvest the leaves at that stage.

Ecology and Habitats

It needs to have a temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit/Celsius, have enough water, on a mountain.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It uses the sun to grow like any other plant. The roots collect the water from the soil to make the tree grow.

Biological Cycle

When it gets to winter, it’s leaves fall off and grows back in spring. It sucks up as much water as possible for the winter seasons as water is very little. During the spring is when most of the harvesting for Storcel’s happen. 

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The leaves are used as food for the native species of the planet.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Its native to forests and plains. It sometimes grows in the dark but it rarely happens. Its found next to Lokea and other settlements.   

Cultural Significance

People make settlements near them. They resemble honor and respect. There are some who think the opposite but people don’t care. They don’t need to travel as far to get food and is helpful to the Oye trees as well. People help them grow faster and helps to protect the trees from forces of nature like wildfires.


I may expand this article in the future
Scientific Name
Tsuga heterophylla
100-400 years
Average Height
100 to 150 feet
Average Weight
29 lbs/ft
Average Length
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by TheDoctor292


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Jun 15, 2021 14:22

Very interesting article...I don't think i've read one simply about a tree. I'm curious to a few things such as if it bears fruit, and if not, what the leaves taste like or dishes the leaves are used in. Also why, exactly, do they resemble honor and respect? Is there a story behind it, or do the people honor them for the materials they bear? Also what do they do to help the trees grow faster? Simple compost/fertilizer or are there some level of druidic rituals and extra, interesting machinery involved? I know it reproduces via seeds, but do these seeds exist in, say, pine cones? Do birds carry them off? Is there a particular insect that eats the seeds and then defecates them out in a ball for easier planting?   This article is very thought provoking and I hope you'll consider elaborating on it. Otherwise very interesting and a good read.