Azra Character in Illicid | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Azra is the current leader of the Ithir Arun. She is an expert cartographer and responsible for putting together the most current map of the continent. Characterized by her peers as methodical and wise she embodies the ideals of the society in that she never shuns a student, no matter who they are or how silly question or answer they give to her.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Under Azra's watch, the Society has improved the state of living for all of its students, including implementing a complete healthcare system, modelled after the Gathamian tradition. Outside of the schoolding she has also been responsible for programs centered around provinding housing for the poor of Braxton.

Bright gold, sharp and piercing, yet deep and kind.
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by SubtleDragon057 via Wombo


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