Ashtak Thorodonn Character in Ilarium | World Anvil
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Ashtak Thorodonn

Ashtak Thorodonn

Ashtak Thorodonn is a dragonborn and innkeep of The Cherry Blossom Inn. He has a young runner called Robin who carries messages around town for him and patrons at the inn. Robin has black hair, a pale face and a thin frame. He is meek and shy.   Ashtak is the descendent of Arowmar Thorodonn, a Paladin who vanquished Fyllyl Manahand when he was discovered using evil necromantic magic in the vale. Asktak carries a key from his descendent around his neck, although he knows nothing of its power to open a chest of his ancestor buried deep in the Gnurswood. His father, Arkanstan Thorodonn, was a hero of Aemon's Bridge and fought alongside Gavin Carter and the Carter family.   Following the assassination of King Leo, Ashtak, as a non-human, was questioned closely by the guard, but was of low suspicion due to his long lineage at the and familiarity in the vale. This came as an advantage later when his resident hunter, Carric Liadon, was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to murder. Asktak was able to sneak Carric out of his prison, gifting him a Dragonwing Amulet (coveted by Ashtak for many years) and sending the wood elf over the walls.

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The Cherry Blossom Inn
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