V & A's Monstrous Transformation Treasury

Monster Type Heightened Sense Trait Natural Weapons Additional Movement Beast Form Size
Lycan: Bear Smell Charge Bite (piercing) and Claws (slashing) Climb, Swim Medium
Lycan: Boar Smell Relentless Tusks (slashing) Swim Medium
Lycan: Rat Smell Group Tactics Bite (piercing) and Claws (slashing) Climb, Swim Small
Lycan: Tiger Hearing or Smell (choose) Pounce Bite (piercing) and Claws (slashing) Climb, Swim Medium
Lycan: Wolf Hearing or Smell (choose) Group Tactics Bite (piercing) and Claws (slashing) Swim Medium
Vampire Hearing Siphon Life, Sunlight Hypersensitivity Bite (piercing) and Claws (slashing) Climb (Spider Climb), Fly (beast form only) Tiny
Charge. Once per turn, if the afflicted moves at least 15 feet straight towards a target and then hits it with a melee attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 2d6 points of damage. If the target is a creature no more than one size larger than the affilcted, it must succeed a Strength save (DC = 8 + prof. bonus + str mod) or be knocked prone.   Group Tactics. The afflicted has a +2 bonus to attack rolls against the targeted creature if at least one of the afflicted's allies is within 5 feet of the target.   Pounce. Once per turn, the afflicted moves at least 15 feet straight towards a creature and then hits it with a melee attack on the same turn, the target must make a Strength save (DC = 8 + prof. bonus + the afflicted's str mod) or be knocked prone if the target is no more than one size larger than the afflicted. If the target is knocked prone, the afflicted can make one attack with one of its natural weapons on the target as a bonus action.   Relentless. If the afflicted takes damage that would reduce it to 0 HP but not kill it outright, it instead is reduced to 1 hit point.   Siphon Life. Whenever the afflicted deals damage with its bite attack, it gains temporary hit points equal to the piercing damage dealt by the bite.   Sunlight Hypersensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks while you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight. Your hit point maximum is reduced by your proficiency bonus for each hour spent in direct sunlight. This condition can only be removed by spending a short rest pr long rest in darkness, or by dealing more than your proficiency bonus in piercing damage with your bite attack to a creature that's neither an undead or a construct.  

Monstrous Affliction

Only humanoid creatures can be afflicted by the curse of vampirism or lycanthropy.
Both the lycanthropic and vampiric curses take a few days ( 2d4+2 ) to manifest themselves. In both cases, the afflicted cannot transform until the curse is manifested. If an afflicted creature hasn't reached adolescence, the effects are suppressed until the afflicted reaches adolescence. During this time frame, a special 5th-level casting of remove curse may be attempted once per day on a willing afflicted, requiring 50 gold pieces in assorted incense, spices, chalks, and magical herbs. The afflicted can remake the save against turning at the end of the ritual, with the DC increasing for each day that passes.   Once the effects manifest themselves, the curse is nearly inseparable from the afflicted, only being able to be cured by the wish spell, by the aforementioned ritual post-death, or through similar powerful magics. If an afflicted decides of their own volition to mentally wholly embrace a curse at any point after they are cursed, after the effects manifest themselves, they are transformed into the respective lycanthrope for lycanthropy or a vampire spawn for vampirism and are controlled by the GM if they are not so already. For those who resist, the path to mastery takes patience and time.   Only curse-embracing afflicted or those who've mastered their curse can spread their respective curse.  
Lycanthropy is thought to represent the call of the old ways, a return to a humanoid's bestial roots. Even while in humanoid form, an afflicted gains the additional movement of their lycan type, has advantage on all Perception checks made with their chosen heightened sense, and gains a special trait detailed in the curse table. The additional movement speed gained is equal to the afflicted's walking speed.   Additionally, any afflicted with the lycanthropy curse can cast Speak With Animals at will.  
Vampirism is thought to represent the undying hubristic and parasitic nature inevitable to humanoid civilizations. Even while in humanoid form, an afflicted has advantage on all Perception checks made with its chosen heightened sense, its species changes to the dhampir lineage, and it gains a special trait detailed in the curse table. The additional movement speed gained is equal to the afflicted's walking speed.  

Transformation Rules

An afflicted's Curse DC starts at the DC it rolled against when it contracted the lycanthropy or vampiric curse, starting no greater than 16 or no less than 10. The DC can be no greater than 20 or less than 1. The die rolled against the Curse DC is a flat d20.
Increasing the DC
  • When the afflicted willingly transforms into its hybrid form, the DC increases by 1.
  • If the afflicted transforms into a full beast instead of its hybrid form, the DC increases by an additional 1.
  • When the afflicted lose control in either monstrous form, the DC increases by 1.
  • When special circumstances determined below cause an afflicted to transform into its monstrous form, the DC increases by 2.
Decreasing the DC
  • When the afflicted successfully resists an unwilling transformation, the DC decreases by 1.
  • For every ten days without willingly transforming, the DC decreases by 1.
  • When the afflicted successfully maintains control in either monstrous form, the DC decreases by 2.
  If an afflicted's Curse DC remains at 1 for thirty consecutive days in which they are active, an afflicted gains mastery of its monstrous form, and its Curse DC permanently remains at 1.  

Monstrous Form

As a bonus action, an afflicted can willingly shift into one of its monstrous forms (either hybrid or full) for up to an hour. While transformed:
  • Its walking speed and additional movement speed(s) from the curse increase by 5 feet.
  • Its strength or dexterity score increases by 2 (choose when infected)
  • It gains natural weapons depending on your form. These natural weapons deal 1d6 + your strength or dexterity modifier, whichever is higher. The damage type is one of the following: bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing, again dependent on the form.
  • It reduces bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that isn't magical or silvered by your proficiency bonus to a minimum of 1.
  • Any equipment it is wearing or carrying is either worn and carried by the form or assimilated into it.
An afflicted maintains control of its monstrous form as long as its hit points aren't at or below half its hit point maximum. When it starts its turn at or under half its hit point maximum, it must make a saving throw against its Curse DC. On a failed save, it loses control. When it loses control, it loses concentration on any spells it has cast and cannot cast more spells for the duration it loses control. Additionally, the GM decides if it attacks the nearest creature, uses its entire movement to move away, or does something else entirely. It can repeat the save against its curse DC at the end of each of its turns. On a successful save, it reverts to a humanoid form and is Stunned until the end of its next turn as the transformation takes a great physical toll on the afflicted.   As an action, the afflicted creature can revert from its monstrous form back to its humanoid form as long as it is in control of its form, and is Stunned until the end of its next turn as stated above.   A curse-resisting afflicted can willingly transform a number of times equal to half its proficiency bonus per day.  

Special Monstrous Circumstances

When a full moon is at its peak, a curse-resisting lycan must make a save against its Curse DC. On a failed save, it transforms into its beast form, acts as its respective beast would, and is controlled by the DM until morning comes. On a successful save, it controls itself. During nights of the full moon,  
A curse-resisting vampire must consume at least a pint of humanoid blood per 5 days. If it goes 5 days without consuming a pint of blood, it must make a save against its Curse DC. On a failed save, it transforms into one of its monstrous forms, doesn't rest until it consumes a pint of blood, and is controlled by the DM until it consumes a pint of blood, at which point it reverts to its humanoid form. On a successful save, it controls itself.   Whenever a curse-resisting vampire deals more than 5x its proficiency bonus damage cumulatively with its bite attack before it finishes a long rest, it must make a save against its Curse DC. On a failed save, it transforms into one of its monstrous forms and acts as if it had lost control of a willing transformation. On a successful save, it controls itself.


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