Dezioria's Downtime Rules

Downtime Activities

Note: Unless stated otherwise, non-active characters gain no benefit from downtime.

Pit Fighting

A bloody, brutal, but effective way to gather gold from the local populace, if you have the skills to gain it. I myself perfer something with a little more... finesse.
  Rules are the same in Xanathar's, but rewards are determined by the lifestyle quality of the fighting pit:
Quality0 successes1 success2 successes3 successes
Wretched Lose your bouts, earning nothing. Win 5 SP Win 10 SP Win 20 SP
Squalid Lose your bouts, earning nothing. Win 10 SP Win 20 SP Win 50 SP
Poor Lose your bouts, earning nothing. Win 5 GP Win 10 GP Win 20 GP
Modest Lose your bouts, earning nothing. Win 10 GP Win 25 GP Win 50 GP
Comfortable Lose your bouts, earning nothing. Win 25 GP Win 50 GP Win 100 GP
Wealthy Lose your bouts, earning nothing. Win 50 GP Win 100 GP Win 200 GP
Aristocratic Lose your bouts, earning nothing. Win 100 GP Win 200 GP Win 400 GP
DC: 2d10+5


Rules are the same in Xanathar's, but the amount you can benefit from training is determined by a character's Intelligence. You have training points equal to (1 + proficiency bonus + int mod).
Proficiency TypePoint CostTraining Time
Skill, Tool, or Vehicle Proficiency 1 10 workweeks - Int mod
Expertise from Proficiency or Language Proficiency 3 15 workweeks - Int mod
Feat (DM discretion) 5 30 Workweeks - Int mod
You can take a number of days off training equal to your Intelligence score before picking it back up again.


Rules are the same as in Xanathar’s, but its an Intelligence (Investigation) check.  

Running a Business

Total Cost per Day. The cost includes everything it takes to maintain the property and keep things running smoothly, including the salaries of hirelings. If the property earns money that can offset maintenance costs (by charging fees, collecting tithes or donations, or selling goods), that is taken into account in the table.
Who doesn't want to go recruit gnomes, venture into the deep artics of Galverdonne, and have them work tirelessly to create trinkets and goodies to bring to all the little children?


Skill LevelSkill Points*Minimum Pay per Workweek / Pay per Month
Expert 12 50 gp / 200 gp
Skilled 8 10 gp / 40 gp
Basic 4 5 gp / 20 gp
*Skill points can be distributed to skill or tool proficiencies.  


PropertyTotal Cost per MonthMinimum Skilled HirelingsMinimum Basic Hirelings
Cart 2 gp - 1
Farm 4 gp 1 2
Guildhall, town or city 60 gp 5 3
Inn, rural roadside 100 gp 5 10
Inn, town or city 60 gp 1 5
Keep or small castle 1,000 gp 50 50
Lodge, hunting 4 gp 1
Noble estate 100 gp 3 15
Outpost or fort 400 gp 20 40
Palace or large castle 2,000 gp 200 100
Shop 20 gp 1
Temple, Cathedral 200 gp 10 10
Temple, Church 20 gp 2
Tower, fortified 240 gp 10
Trading post 100 gp 4 2


A business' progress is tracked in sets of 4 workweeks, roughly equaling a month. A character rolls percentile dice and then compares the total to the Running a Business table to determine what happens. The business cost is the total amount of money you have spent on paying workers, renting the place you are operating out of, as well as the money you have spent promoting or investing in your business as detailed below.
Business RollResult
01-10 You must pay 150% of the business cost.
11-30 You must pay for the business cost.
31-50 You must pay 50% of the business cost for each of the days. Profits cover the other half.
51-80 The business covers its own cost for each of the days.
81-120 The business covers its own cost for each of the days. It earns a profit of 50% of the business's cost, 50% of which goes directly to you.
121-140 The business covers its own cost for each of the days. It earns a profit of 100% of the business's cost, 50% of which goes directly to you.
141+ The business covers its own cost for each of the days. It earns a profit of 150% of the business's cost, 50% of which goes directly to you.
Bonuses to the Roll
There are two ways to gain a bonus to the roll: Investing and Promoting.   Promotion Bonus. If a character spends GP to promote the business for that month, add +1 to the roll for every 10 GP spent up to the promoter's Persuasion bonus. If multiple characters are promoting it, use the highest Persuasion bonus among them.   Investment Bonus. Major upgrades to the business cost money but are ultimately very beneficial. A major upgrade has to be of significance and beneficial to the business (such as an expanded kitchen for a restaurant). Every 100 GP spent is +1 to the roll, to a maximum of +30.
This bonus remains as long as the owner uses their downtime to run or oversee the business. For every workweek not spent running the business or paying a supervisor, this bonus degrades by 5. This stops when the upgrade bonus becomes +0.  


Every workweek after rolling for and determining profits, roll a d6. If you rolled a total lower than 50, roll twice and take the lower of the two rolls. On a roll of 1, a complication arises.   If a complication arises, the DM rolls 1d20 and picks the corresponding result from the list below, chooses one, or makes one of their own. The consequence of complications typically affects the following month's business roll, so characters may have the opportunity to solve these complications through clever play before the consequences catch affect their business.
Roll (1d20)Complicaiton
1 A powerful noble demands a significant share of your profits as "protection money."   Standard Outcome: Pay 4d12 % of the business cost at the time of this complication arising for the next 3d4 months.
2 A rival business owner spreads malicious rumors about your business, leading to a decrease in customer trust and patronage.   Standard Outcome: You have a 2d10 penalty to your next 1d14 business rolls.
3 A severe economic downturn hits your usual demographic, causing a significant drop in your business's profits.   Standard Outcome: For the next 1d4 months, your business profits will be reduced by half.
4 A supplier fails to deliver critical goods, causing a shortage of essential materials for your business.   Standard Outcome:
5 A group imposes new fees and regulations on your business.   Standard Outcome: for the next 1d4 months, you lose 2d10 % of your profits.
6 A rival business opens nearby, offering similar products or services and siphoning off your customers.   Standard Outcome: Roll your next 2d6 business rolls with disadvantage.
7 A mishap damages your storefront, inventory, or workspace, requiring expensive repairs.   Standard Outcome
8 A string of mysterious accidents in your business leads to rumors of a curse, frightening away potential customers.   Standard Outcome: Roll your next 1d4 business rolls with disadvantage.
9 A rival business launches a smear campaign against you, trying to tarnish your reputation.   You only add half the promotion bonus to your next 1d4 months' rolls.
10 A local creature or group of creatures starts harassing your business, frightening away customers and causing property damage.   Standard Outcome:
11 A rival business owner challenges you to a public duel to settle a dispute, putting your reputation on the line.   Standard Outcome: unless you succeed in two or more of the three checks outlined in the pit fighting downtime activity against the rival business owner or their champion before your next business roll, it has disadv
12 A rival business owner challenges you to a public duel to settle a dispute, putting your reputation on the line.
20 A disgruntled former employee starts spreading false rumors about your business, damaging its reputation. Roll 2d8 and subtract that from your next business roll

Spell Scroll Scribing And Potion Brewing

Spell Level (Scrolls)Time CostMaterial CostScroll/Potion Rarity; Arcana bonus needed
Cantrip 1 workday/8 hours 15 gp Common; +4
1st 1 workdays/8 hours 50 gp Common; +4
2nd 3 workdays/24 hours 100 gp Uncommon; +6
3rd 1 workweek/40 hours 150 gp Uncommon; +6
4th 2 workweeks/80 hours 1,000 gp Rare; +10
5th 4 workweeks/160 hours 1,500 gp Rare; +10
6th 8 workweeks/320 hours 5,000 gp Very Rare; +14
7th 16 workweeks/640 hours 7,500 gp Very Rare; +14
8th 32 workweeks/1,280 hours 10,000 gp Very Rare; +14
9th 48 workweeks/1,920 hours 50,000 gp Legendary; +18


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