Athinatos’ Species Summary

Changes and Additions

Forward: As always, the changes and additions documented here are liable to change or be removed.


  • You can replace one of the racial ability score increases and swap them (for example, a wood elf typically has +2 to dexterity and +1 to wisdom. You can switch the scores to +2 to wisdom and +1 to Constitution). If a race has only one RASI (for example, warforged have a plus 2 to constitution and +1 to any other stat), it cannot replace that ability score but may swap it (for example, a warforged can have +1 to constitution and +2 to another stat
  • Natural Armor Adjustments: When wearing armor that you are proficient in, if your AC is the same or lower with the armor than the natural armor, you gain a +1 to AC (for example, a lizardfolk with 14 dexterity has 15 AC, with leather armor it has 16 AC). If your AC with the armor is higher than your natural armor, you don't get a benefit.
  • All non-humanoid playable races count as humanoid and the other creature type

Notation Guide

  • A number followed by 'M' is maturity in years and denotes when a species has reached physical maturity on average
  • A number followed by 'NL' is Natural Lifespan in years and denotes a species' average lifespan without the use of outside influences
  • '(L)' means that you must use the Legacy version
  • '(E)' means that you can use either the Legacy or the Monsters of the Multiverse version
  • '(M)' means that you must use the Monsters of the Multiverse version
Lizardfolk (L/M)
15M 70NL

Aarakocra (L)

15M 60NL

Aasimar (E)

20M 150NL

Bugbear (E)

15M 70NL

Centaur (E)

20M 70NL

Changeling (E)

20M 300NL
  • Shapechange is a bonus action
  • Starting at 3rd level, when you shapechange, you can minorly alter your clothes and equipment. This cannot drastically change the size of a thing (i.e. a greatsword cannot become a shortsword). These changes revert if you die, use a bonus action to alter it, or you


**M ?NL
  • Your creature type is Humanoid and Undead, and things that work on one work on the other


16M 300NL
  • You gain 3 options: Dragon Breath, Dragon Scales, or Dragon Wings
Dragon Breath. You can use the breath weapon provided by your dragonborn subspecies
Dragon Scales. In place of the breath weapon, your base AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
Dragon Wings. In place of your breath weapon, you gain wings, which grant you a flying speed equal to your walking speed.

Dwarf (L)

20M 300+NL
  • As a part of their stonecunning feature, Dwarves take half the time it usually takes to create, repair, or enchant items or objects

Elf (E)

20M 300+NL

Fairy (E)

18M 180NL
  • Your creature type is Humanoid and Fey, and things that work on one work on the other
  • You gain the fey ancestry trait

Firbolg* (E)

15M 200NL

Genasi (E)

18M 120NL

Gith* (E)

30M 400+NL

Gnome (E)

20M 300+N
  • Gnomes take half the time it usually takes to create, repair, or enchant items or objects

Goblin (E)

15M 60NL

Goliath (E)

20M 200NL


18M 160NL


15M 80NL


25M 120NL

Harengon* (E)

15M 60NL
  • You are Humanoid and Fey, and things that work on one work on the other


**M 300+NL
  • You are Humanoid and Fey, and things that work on one work on the other
  • If you know the true name of a creature when you cast Hex on that creature, Hex doesn't require concentration
**Varies depending on what the base species was

Hobgoblin (E)

20M 80NL


18M 70NL


18M 120NL

Kenku (L)

16M 70NL

Kobold (E)

15M 60NL


16M 80NL

Lizardfolk (E)

15M 70NL
  • You gain temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt with Hungry Jaws when you use that ability instead of the flat 2


25M 220NL

Minotaur (E)

16M 150NL

Orc (E)

15M 60NL


20M 100NL


**M ?NL
  • You count as Humanoid and Undead, and things that work on one work on the other
  • You have 60 feet of darkvision
  • You have advantage on saving throws against Exhaustion, and your levels of exhaustion maximum increases by 1
**Varies depending on what the base species was

Satyr (E)

18M 250NL

Shifter* (E)

16M 80NL

Simic Hybrid*

15M 150NL


5M 200NL
  • You count as Humanoid and Ooze

Tabaxi (E)

18M 120NL
  • Feline Agility acts as a free Dash action, instead of doubling your speed


18M 140NL
  • You can be Medium or Small

Tortle* (E)

15M 600NL
  • No changes

Triton (E)

16M 200NL
  • No changes


1M ?NL
  • No changes
  • New racial feats: Mechan Envoy, Mechan Juggernaut, Mechan Scout

Yuan-ti Pureblood (M)

16M 120NL
  • You have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against spells
*may or may not exist or may go by a different name


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