Reynaud the Invincible Character in Ifiron | World Anvil

Reynaud the Invincible

The pounding of marching feet echoed down the dark caverns beneath the Sundering Mountains. A band of soot covered Dwarves were venturing deeper than any Dwarf had ventured before. They had face many trials including the home of sentient stallagtites that ambushed their prey. They had lost three of their bretheren this journey, but they hoped their deaths would not be in vain.   The cavern opened into a large room, stallagetites and stallagmites lined the floors and ceilings. The Dwarfs looked up in anticipation, expecting to be ambushed a second time. The leader of the group however had set his eyes on something different than the rest. In the center of the cavern sat a perfectly smooth platform. It was clean and carved with strange symbols.   Standing atop them the leader shouted out to a strange looking Dwarf wearing silvery robes and wore a pair of spectacles. The robed dwarf looked about the runes attempting to get a better look. He then pulled out a book and began reciting an incantation, his hands making strange movements that formed symbols written in light. Finally he pulled out a pinch of dust and sprinkled it in the symbol floating in mid air and the final syllable of the incantation finished. The symbol disappeared and the robed dwarves eyes were glowing a light blue. He gazed at the mysterious runes, and then began shouting madly!   He fell to the ground clutching his eyes and screaming. The other dwarves moved in to keep him from pulling his eyes out of hi sockets. Something he had read put him on the verge of madness. Another dwarf dressed in a tabbard approached the mad wizard and spoke a prayer which was responded by the priest's hands glowing. He touched them to the wizards temples and the wizard stopped fighting. His face relaxed and the light blue glowing eyes ceased. The dwarf raise himself to his feet.   "What did you see?" the leader spoke.   "I understood the text, but their meaning forced their way into my mind and I lost control. It is no doubt that this is the script of the Illuna. I have never seen it for myself however," the wizard responded.   "Do you know how to open the way?"   "Yes, but sir I recommend we proceed no further. I fear for what lies beyond."   The leader contemplated on this for a moment. The wizard was often very keen on trying to find the answer to any mystery. If only he knew exactly what he had seen he could make a better call. But they had come all this way and he wasn't about to turn the troop around to come back empty handed.   "Open it."   "As you wish sir," the wizard said reluctantly.   He stepped forward placing his hand on the smooth stone in the center. Moving in a circular pattern more of the Illuna script appeared in glowing glyphs. At last the outline of several symbols had been completed. The stone beneath their feet began to descend, a stone stairway revealed itself to the leader and his troupe. They led into darkness. The leader then asked for a torch which was lit before he descended into the structure.   Beneath the surface lied another chamber, this one perfectly cylindrical in nature. It was hand carved with a series of murals and Illuna script lining the walls. In the center sat a statue of what appeared to them as an angel. The leader and the wizard inspected the murals.   The murals depicted a warrior weilding a massive greatsword fighting off monsters. Then what appeared to be several angelic figures pointed him towards a large rift that was painted with a black paint. The warrior entered into the rift. The following mural showed the warrior emerging from the rift, his proportions twisted and his armor tainted with the inky blackness of the rift. It showed him slaughtering the angelic figures. Finally one showed a beam of light emitting from the head of an angelic figure with the warrior being dragged into it. At last it showed the angelic figure being turned to stone.   As the leader and the wizard finished their loop, they heard a shout coming from the priest. The priest had their eyes fixed on the statue's eyes. A blackness came from them that seemed to engulf all light. It flowed into the orfices of the priests face, his screams being drowned out. Then he fell silent. The entire troop was tense and waiting for what was coming next.   A deep laugh was coming from the priest, it was not his own voice. It was twisted and cruel. With a violent burst the priest broke apart as an amored titan pulled himself out of the priest. Gore was spread throughout the chamber. The warrior pulled a massive greatsword from the corpse of the priest, as if the priest had been an extra-dimensional space. It then took a stance prepared for battle. The leader shouted to retreat and the dwarves moved back but kept their blades facing the charging foe. The wizard was the first to make it to the exit.   The battle was ending in moments. What remained of the dwarves was being decimated quickly. The massive greatsword was tearing through armor and blade alike. All that came from the massive foe was a shrieking cry.   "Close it!" the leader shouted to the wizard.   The wizard froze until the gore of this comrades made their appearance near the entrance, the force of the titanic warrior flinging them from where they lay slain. Running his hand in reverse he removed the symbols from the stone. The entrance began to close. As the wizard looked back he saw the leader turn and look at him one last time. A look of triumph came over the leaders face, just as a greatsword removed his head.   The stone shut just as the titanic warrior was about to make it to the door. With the slamming of stone the wizard let out a cry of relief. He buried his face in his hands and weeped for his fallen comrades. As he stood and turned to leave before him stood the titan. His armor glimmered even in the dim light of the cavern but it was tainted with a strange black goo. The titan's limbs were elongated and twitching.   "W-where. Where is, my, Clemen-Clementine?" it struggled to push forth the words.   The wizard was faster to act, utterering the words that opened a door behind him out of thin air. He jumped through it just in time for the greatsword to collide with the stone behind him. He was not able to make it far with the spell. Far enough however to get out of the reach of this mad warrior. It was clear that no walls could hold him, he had to warn the rest of the fortress!   As the wizard turned and left from further down the caves he heard a shrieking that would haunt the rest of his life.


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