Devilgrass Possession Condition in Ifiron | World Anvil

Devilgrass Possession

Transmission & Vectors

This form of possession only occurs when using the drug Devil Grass.


When a user consumed the Devil Grass above a certain dosage, that individual becomes controlled by the Devil the plant originates from. While in this state, the Devil gains full control of the user while the person is left as an onlooker inside their own body.


This effect wears off over time (depending on dosage) or when the Devil is finished possessing the user. It can also be cured with a casting of remove curse or lesser restoration.


The first reported cases are unknown, but it has been known throughout history as a drug that several artists and thinkers have used. Some give tribute to great works of art and architecture from artists who have taken Devilgrass. These same artists were also known to commit crimes and act indecently.   It is assumed that Loranan Nasir used Devil Grass to create the 99 Paintings of Loranan Nasir and that his final painting was to trap Alrun, Devil Prince of Art who his Devilgrass was suppose to be grown from. Nobody knows if these rumors are true.

Cultural Reception

Devilgrass is a substance that has mixed feelings throughout the populace. Some artists consider it a last resort for seeking greatness, while others look down on it as a way to "cheat" the world and bring Devil influences. The Church of Scuno strictly forbids the use and sale of it but does not stop from it being spread through underground markets.


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