Death and the Afterlife Physical / Metaphysical Law in Ifiron | World Anvil

Death and the Afterlife


  Any creature doomed to die sees a Reaper as they pass into the Ethereal Plane upon death. It is this being that aids the soul in leaving the body. Should there be no Reaper over them (either due to a curse, or some divine will) the creature stays behind as an undead. The Reaper ushers the soul forth into the Ethereal Planes where they reside as a Ghost until passing beyond the Ethereal Plane.  

Leaving the Ethereal

  If a soul finds peace or resolution, they are sought out by a Spirit Guide. This creature guides them through the Ethereal Plane to its border where the The River Styx touches the plane. It is there they meet the Ferryman Charon and the Three Judges.   A soul however is on a time limit. While they remain in the Ethereal plane they are only subsisted on the memories that people hold of them. As they are forgotten, they drift slower into the Deep Ethereal where they eventually become a soul without personality or memories of their former selves.  

The Three Judges

  Upon reaching the Ferry, the three judges perform judgement on the soul before them. Once a soul has passed all judgement, it is ferried off to the location that all three judges agree upon.  

King Arnaut

Once the King of an ancient kingdom, Arnaut ruled with an iron fist. It was his undoing that a paladin to Werno, Goddess of Time and Earth destroyed him. From the Ethereal Plane he watched as kingdoms rose and fell. He at last had seen the balance of law and chaos.   King Arnaut judges the souls on their balance of Lawful and Chaotic nature. If you are judged Lawful then you are sent either to Arcadia, Automatta or to Oolithia. If you are judged Chaotic then you are sent either to Arborea, Limbo, or to The Abyss. Should you be balanced you are sent either to Elysium or to Pandemonium.  

The Great Sage Marina

During life, Marina was a powerful mage. She used her magic to create. She made food for the hungry, medicine for the sick. She did so at every chance she could. She was seen as a Sage, everyone felt safe and provided for around her. However, one of her creations caused great devestation. In hopes to defend the people from a great sea beast, she created a colossal golem to protect the people. With much magic expended, she could not destroy it when it came to life and breathed destruction into the country around her. It was only the sea beast itself that managed to destroy the golem and returned to the sea. With that she fell into despair. After her passing she witnessed the world. It came to her realization that creation was not always a force of good, but that at times destruction was just as necessary.   The Great Sage Marina judges the souls on their balance of Creation and Destruction. If you are judged an agent of Creation you are sent to either Arborea, Arcadia, or Elysium. If you are judged an agent of Destruction you are sent to Oolithia, The Abyss, or Pandemonium. Should you be judged balanced, you are then greeted by the third and final judge.  


Not much is known about the true origin of Thaumus. He appears as a mysterious cloaked figure, the color of which is muted and seems to be different with every description. Thaumus does not commit a judgement. Instead Thaumus asks each individual who meets him a single question: "Life or Rest"   Those who answer "Life" are returned to the their plane of birth where they are reborn without memory of their past lives. Those who answer "Rest" are then pulled from the cycle of Life and Death. They become an Iforion, a being of pure energy and reside as a part of The Great Tree, Ifiron itself.
Metaphysical, Astral


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