Rethyr Crescent Geographic Location in Ieldraphan | World Anvil
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Rethyr Crescent

Rethyr Crescent
  (made with Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator)
"The Crescent is a storied land, having known the wax and wane of great and fell powers through centuries and imbued with a vast, often mysterious history."  
-Sessley Syvensongs, archaeologist adventurer


The region is composed of the gulf around the oceanic sea of central Ieldraphan and surrounding coastline, curving around the Esloross Cape and extending all the way down the Khriakees Channel to the Ustrosi Expanse

Northern Crescent

  The countries of Ospos, Cembrea, Priagia, and Ularlaba compose the upper half of the Crescent, with a combination of heats, humidities, and heights; sirocco swept plains, dense tropical rainforests, boggy wetlands, scattered seasonal forests, and foreboding mountains.   Yvaa Dolad, known as the 'Urbis Athenum' for its library stacks as long as city blocks, considered one of the foremost centers of learning on the continent. Esloross, located along the cape that bears its name, is one of the more secular cities of the Ospos Republic, one can sense the difference in the nominal observance and respect of Our Lady of Divine Descendence here compared to the resolute religiosity of much the rest of Ospos.City of Rethyr is cut from a whole different cloth; a multicultural city-state with a laissez faire social policy distinctly at odds with its parent country, where one might see Ikamani witch-sorcerers trading stories and drink with bands of horned Nagazri rebels.  

Southern Crescent

  Ulangal, Cembrea, and Lachise make up the southern area. Slightly below the equator, the climate is cooler with temperate rainforests, wetlands, deciduous forests ranging across . Evidence of the earliest civilizations are present throughout; leaving legends of terrifying progenitors in stories and myth; the broken and decayed relics of the tyrannical Ossucarnum Imperium and the barest hints of transcendental entities left in remote, unwelcome places.   Starting along the rim of the Crescent, there is Tolondatad, capital and jewel of Ulangal. Built with the rich deposits of jade green marble that surround it on all sides and traversed by the natural waterways. Along the coast to the east is Shronqosi, famed for its exceptional chefs and mastery of culinary arts, where both regional classics and hyperfusion cuisine exist side by side. Far to Ulangal's southeast in Cembrea lies Old Taigue, a known location of what the natives call 'the Shapers'; a swamp-sunk ruin, seemingly bathysmal in nature.

Fauna & Flora

The strange confluences of biology (and some say, the meddling of bygone precursors) have resulted in a high rate of unique traits and odd symbiosis; the region being replete with such interesting examples like driftbloom and skyroot, plants with gas bladders that allow them to remain lighter than air. The locust trees of Badab where the tree's trunk has a natural internal lattice that houses the locusts and in turn feeds off the nutrients they bring back.   More standard flora, like the disturbing banshee willows, whose reedy fronds form grooves and channels that wind traveling through them sounds like an undulating scream. The beautiful and rare moonbeam blossom, a kind of pale-petaled flower that only unfurls under the light of at least two of Ieldraphan's moons. Queerwood, trees with squat, winding trunks and leaves that shift from dusty lavender to vibrant lilac, are found in rare, or odd groves throughout the denser southern forests of Ospos and into Cembrea.   The warm winded velds of the Cembrean coast see giant scarabs with their nacreous, scintillating shell colors, migrating krubbrush,which while resembling a more mundane tumbleweed, is actually an oddly shaped crustacean that reminds one of twigbugs. The sturdy, but short trees of the region host grimalkins, the so-called 'devil-cats' near Udol and the specter-like barghests, whose glowing eyes an sleek pelts have a reputation of the otherworldly.   Though others may deem the Khriakee melusine as an animal due to their fierce and so called "primitive" way of life, they possess language and culture and shall not be considered so here, but the channel derived from their name is filled with phaseels, a curious creature that seem to bend light around them through some trick of their scales and blood regulation. Though most physically impressive denizen of the region must be the demon lizards found all the way from Vrarud to Khardin; giant, carnivorous, bipedal beasts easily as tall as a human or average Cembrean.

Natural Resources

Both the dense rain forests of eastern Cembrea and the mountains on the far side of the Crescent in western Nagazar conceal highly sought after deposits of umbreal thamuatite, more colloquially called "black iron" for its color, or "rustless iron" for it's extreme aversion to oxidation. Each region has local populations who have more than enough for themselves, but face constant and various pressures ranging from veiled bribes to outright invasions for outsider access to such resources.   Up near Ephina, the climate supports a particular flowering plant called the firebloom, a beautiful sight with its vermilion tinted florets, but also a favored plant of the local bees and the particular pollen produces a spicy honey that the local apiarists aptly named "dragon nectar".   The mountains of Hlam in Ospos are rich in copper deposits which have found great and varied use in the technosorceries of the Ospos Republic and the marble pits of Forgorranni have supplied the adornment of many a public building throughout the Republic.

Notable civilizations in the Rethyr Crescent

Alternative Name(s)
The Crescent

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