Centaurs Species in Iconast | World Anvil


Basic Information


Centaurs are quadrapedal semi-humaniod peoples. Varieties of Equine Bodies form the lower half whilst the upper half is that of a human or elf. Generally more muscular than thier Upper secton would be in its own species.

Genetics and Reproduction

Centaurs are mammalian in nature with a typical distribution of biologically linked factors. Most often the mixture of centaurs with similar upper bodies will make a child. Mixing upper halves, in the case of elf-like and human-esque bodies will often result in more half-elven feature. Otherwise children will be of the same general upper body.

Lower Halves generally have to be from compatible subspecies. This typically aligns to standard equine compatibilities.


Coupling and gestation most akin to that of horses with a gestation period of 11 months varying slightly with breed. Live birth typically occurs with the coalt able to walk 4-6 weeks after birth.

Growth Rate & Stages

Centaurs are considered foals for the first 4 Years of thier life.
Pre-Adolescent Centaurs are from the age of 4-10
Adolesence is achieved sometime within thier 10-16th year of life.
16-30 years is considered young adult
30-60 is considered middle-aged
60-90 is considered old
107 is average lifespan of a centaur
110-140 is considered elderly and while not the average is still fairly achievable especially for centaurs with access to more luxuries and medical aid.
Centaurs older than 140 are extremely rare but have been seen as old as 300 years.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Most centaurs have a preference for grain and vegetarian sustenance. But they do have the physiology to consume meat.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Typically organized into herds/tribes early centaurs would stick to close knit communties that were mare dominated bands that typically had 1 to 3 stallion protectors. These bands would range in size from 5-30.

More modern centaur bands whilst still clan oriented have formed larger communities and have a mixture of cultures with differing prominence in leadership.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Frequently found within the steppes, savannahs, tundras, and deserts of Northern Kagren.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Ylmazeyirand Hronuhin Confederation are the most prominent centaur factions of Iconast
Scientific Name
Equus Homo Sapiens
Average Height
depedning on the breed centaurs have been seen as tall as 8ft, average between breeds is most likely closer to 6ft 6in.
Average Weight
Average weight of a centaur is approximately 720 lbs. again taking into account differences in breed.
Average Length
Roughly 7ft from chest to rear.
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities


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