Orc Species in Iaythe | World Anvil
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The people of the west, native to Azrregash. Isolationists, masters of defense, green-skinned, with unique tusked teeth. Only recently has trade with the Western continent started. As a result, orcish people are seen as somewhat novel, or odd, by some, and there aren't as many established communities of Orcs on Ganima. Not many native Ganimans used to live on the western side of Ganima, but the recently immigrated Orcish communities have been improving the habitability of the region.
Their tusks can be adorned with jewelry that shimmer as these people speak or sing.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Orcs are native to Azrregash. It is mountainous, full of alpine meadows, tundras and deep coniferous forests. They often build castles.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Society is a well oiled machine and many are afraid of going against it.

Facial characteristics

Bottom canine tusks

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The west continent, Bittacost and kingdom 8

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Ab-, An-, Ang-, Az-, Azuk-, Ba-, Bag-, Bagd-, Bu-, Bul-, Du-, Dul-, Far-, Gram-, Gu, Guj-, Gut-, Kha-, Khal-, Khu-, Khurz, Ki-, Kial-, Kir-, Kru-, Kor-, Ku-, Kul-, Ma-, Na-, Nor-, O-, Ol-, Olp-, Pret-, She-, Shel-, Thol-, Throl-, Ur-, Urud-, Xu-, V-, Va-, Var-, Vr-, Za-
-al-, -bb-, -em-, -gre-, -j-, -jj-, -r-, -rr-, -rre-, -ror-, -ron-, -rud-, -l-, -m-, -old-, -pag-, -sh-, -t-, -zuk-
-ash, -ba, -bas, -bul, -da, -dua, -dud, -dra, -el, -emon, -gha, -ga, -gakh, -gash, -ghe, -ha, -he, -ja, -jab, -ka, -kh, -ra, -reda, -l, -la, -log, -lug, -rn, -resi, -rth, -mon, -th, -shulk, -si, -ua, -ul, -ulk, -za, -zha
Gujjab, Kulgha, Xuga, Gutjja, Bagdud, Shel, Dulug, Bula, Kirth, Korba, Khalog, Urudba, Grambul, Azukgash, Olpagakh, Vrorn, Abbas, Khurzha, Pretka, Farghe, North, Kiza, Varga, Krugha, Tholdra, Kialrondua, Angreda, Zarresi, Norma, Naemon, Mashulk, Azukdua, Norgha, Olmgakh, Dugash, Badua, Norjua, Vresi, Orreda, Sheremon

Average Technological Level

Because of the poor soil quality of a large area of the Western Continent, Azrregash, Orcs have developed a unique agricultural style.

Common Etiquette Rules

Don't be too friendly... that leaves you vulnerable.

Common Dress Code

Their plate armor is expertly crafted.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Architecture features dark stone and tall ceilings.
Average Height
Height: 5'5"-7'2"
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Green skin (not very saturated)
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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