Imp Species in Iaythe | World Anvil
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The people inside the mountains - the people made from tree, rock and stone. Roots form their fingers and crystals glisten in their eyes. Sometimes they have antlers, horns, long ears or tails. You can also find imps living deep in forests, in caves and at river mouths. They have harnessed the power of water. They are a small people, so learning to channel water to do their work for them has been essential to their mastery of engineering.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Demetri Dexane Palis Eralato Diapatri Mephite Ephemei Cylio Iphyyope Kleto Sin Pioltud Car Tinn Fer Trelit Coper Raslet Pegemus Damehe Pyrope

Common Dress Code

Cloth armor/robes, fur. Mysterious 'plate' armor that seems to be made from stone.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Metropolitan centers have strings of lights illuminating the dark streets. Oftentimes, buildings will be carved into the caves themselves. Sometimes towns are build entirely on the upper side of a cave, or there are spires connecting the 'top town' and 'bottom town.' Sometimes, above-ground communities will stretch their settlements atop the gap of a valley or riverbed.
Average Height
2-4 feet.


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