Dwarf Species in Iaythe | World Anvil
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Great traders and craftsmen, dwarves are a people who live to the south of Ganima. Versatile and talented, mastery of a craft is heavily valued in their communities. These peoples have also traded with Ganima for a couple hundred years at this point, and have established communities on the southern side of the continent. Traditionally living underground, they are known as the "underfolk" in their homeland.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Every dwarf has what we would call a beard. What often isn't known about specific facial hairs they have is their ability to give a dwarf needed information for navigating caves. Similar to a cat's whiskers or the antennae of an insect, they are essential for navigating tight spaces, and give an understanding of the quality of the surrounding air (movement, moisture) and more. To shave one's face would be extremely painful, and if one is to trim their facial hair, they would best avoid the sensitive extra-sensory hairs.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Balim, Runim, Bim, Chalunn, Farbur, Signus, Remli, Vognar, Alassa, Meryll, Ysyeavyn, Lora, Darka, Garyas, Ulric, Alga, Brega, Kal, Kalynth, Alun, Iglan, Izran, Gamil, Helgi, Kvasir, Sudri, Yori, Payne, Madu, Felopie

Common Dress Code

Armor is padded, quilted, or brigandine. Some plate armor is used.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Bronze is a great staple of Dwarven architecture. Stone carvings are intricate and include reliefs and friezes. These buildings are mostly underground but across the landscape you can see the 'tip of the iceberg' - spires that serve as entrances to the subterranean world. Runic magic is integrated into many architectural features, allowing for great technological feats such as lifts and drills.
Dwarven architectural influence can be seen in the portside cliffs of Dadun.


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