Dragonborn Species in Iaythe | World Anvil
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Masters of their ancestral elements, these peoples live in their great mountain halls where they live communally. It is traditional for young adults to venture out into the world to prove their worth - but they should always come back to home and serve their families.
The child of a Dragonborn and an Elf is called a Garva. I.e., "They are Garvan."
There is a frost-clan called Bi-asa, known as isolationists.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Kel Nyl Maushmaim Cethir Mithin Wataika Jonreallan Shalryshmul Shulnoh Bayi Shili Farrun Bisive Dalama Gelikke Dammasse Keassato Dondialth Vuyeth


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