Hylos Recorded History: The Epoch of Light Timeline
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Recorded History: The Epoch of Light

The Second Era: Age of Dawn

0 E2 - 460 E2

After decades of splintered work, a global renaissance of knowledge finally chains Neural Threading to the will of those who wield it, and the world may breathe again. Cities are rediscovered, reconstructed, or built anew entirely. Trade, and first contact between Feylasi and Ala'Tova, are established. City-states across Altemos begin to consolidate power. Shiqian emerges from the depths upon Junqia.

  • 27 E2

    Corrupted Substance Monetary Standard adopted by all major powers
    Financial Event

    Desperate for a fair monetary standard, the value of which could not be manipulated through Neural Threading, the Clerical Office of the major trade city Morialis begin to use standardized, preserved pieces of flesh and bone from fallen Afflicted and Elder Children as currency. This practice is quickly adopted by surrounding towns and cities, and soon the world over.

The Fourth Era: The Verging Age

0 E4 - 343 E4

The still-warring cities of the Sula Desert unite as the nation of Sulanaea, to better ward off the creeeping interests of both the Sonovic Empire and the Sinvultian Federation. A newly formed colonial power, Viae Sovatos, consumes the Free Isles that bridge between Nistal and Altemos to the north, creating a tripartite pressure on the unsettled frontiers of northern Altemos between themselves, the SE, and the SF. The existence of the Minshi and Shiqian become widely known. The Hunt is founded. Silena Rhaspor makes multiple advances in Threaded technology and Elder integration. The nature of the Bounty is discovered by Taevas Sorthamal.

  • 73 E4

    36 /2 02:00

    Birth of Silena Rhaspor
    Life, Birth

    Master Huntress Silena Rhaspor born to Niftus and Misaira Rhaspor in the north-eastern fringes of the Sonovic Empire.

    More reading
    Silena Rhaspor
  • 93 E4

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    Official Founding of the Hunt

    Standing in the long-frozen ashes of her hometown, 65 individuals, led by Silena Rhaspor and her four huntmates, pledge themselves wholly to the destruction of the Elder Ones, protection of Hylos, and unification of knowledge.

    More reading
    The Hunt
  • 96 E4

    6 /6 07:00
    96 E4

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    Siege of Veldona
    Military action

    In their first major international action, agents of the Gateway unleashed 8 Elder Children in an effort to destroy the capital of the Sonovic Empire. Aided by Silena Rhaspor and The Hunt, all were destroyed before reaching the Viridian Citadel and the attack was fully eradicated.

    More reading
    The Hunt