Junqia Geographic Location in Hylos | World Anvil
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Junqia is often equated to a great sunscale serpent: lengthy, chaotic, violent, and utterly uncontrollable. Those sapient beings that are forced to cobble together a life for themselves here must do so in the shadows of humid, ancient jungles, in the mist of roaring rivers, and under the baleful watch of the burning sun upon vast plains. That is, of course, excluding those of the Chiqian. A massive, ever-expanding, and seemingly indestructible circular wall, it dwarves just about everything else in relation to itself. Even the occasional Elder Child, lumbering just outside of it, will rarely even reach a third of its height. Within lie the majority of the Minxolao population. Once merely exiles of the Lightless Abyss, those rare few who manage to escape Chiqian tell of mechanical cities reaching for the skies within, of a world bereft of and immune to the Rift, yet thriving nonetheless.   An adventurer delving deep into the wilds may come across strange formations: ever-burning infernos, smooth stone walls extending indefinitely skywards, lakes of craters and masses of land which look as if thrown from unimaginable distance and height, perfect orbs of glass between mountains cleaved in twain as if by gargantuan axe blade. These are the remains of what history knows as the Ambrosial Rejection. An event at the dawn of the First Era, during which a single species rejected the Naliscintillum with a ferocity unseen before or after. The Gods tore apart their bodies as they tore apart their civilization, and the hundred or so survivors turned to the mercy of the Elder Ones, and fled to the Gateway. Today, we call them human: the greatest threat to global stability in recorded history.


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