Vulpin Species in Humblewood | World Anvil
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A fox-like race with light builds and sharp fangs.
Examples Include: Foxes, Wolves, Coyotes, Dogs, Dingos, and Wild Dogs

Often considered the least understood and vilified humblefolk in the Woods.  They will claim it is because of their ambition.  Others will claim its their "survival instinct" that can come off as selfish.
They are naturally intelligent, rivalled only by Corvums.  Though Corvums are more studious while Vulpins prefer arts and creative intelligence.  No matter the walk of life a Vulpin comes from, they can come off as snobbish.
Before the Humblefolk Treaty was signed, Vulpins controlled a large part of the Wood outside the influence of the Birdfolk.  This past memory has not left Humblefolk and Birdfolk alike, who had to enduring a lot of suffering from Vulpin hands.

Though Vulpins are not naturally Evil, they do have enough empathy problems that they are rarely Good.
In addition to that, most have a distaste for authority and prefer the Chaotic route.

They stand between 4.5 to 5.5 ft tall.
They are "Medium" sized.

There are no Vulpin subraces.

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