B.A.B.E. Item in Humanity 2.0 | World Anvil
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The B.A.B.E starships were designed by Hermian scientists while en route to Sirius, after the Hermian war. The first B.A.B.E was rebuilt from the scraps of Queen Kubler's ship The Heart of Gold. That ship had come with the Queen and 300 of her 'subjects' from Mercury after a team, including Travis O'Connor, spent years secretly designing and building under the Mercurian surface.
The B.A.B.E starship's updated design was a kilometer long, improved by the Hermians scientists after their years of interstellar travel. A crew of 25 could comfortably live inside the 400 meter long habitation cylinder, which had a radius of 100 meters. The crew lived and worked in barely-comfortable 3/4 Earth gravity, spinning inside the cylinder at a dizzying 2.6 revolutions per minute. Outside the habitation cylinder were massive fusion drives, shielded by 10 meters of extra solar sail. Each ship also had robotics factories, chemical laboratories, spaceship-grade 3d printers, and hangar bays for 18 Self Replicating Robots, which would either repair the robots, or assemble more.
21 B.A.B.E starships were built in total, and post-mortem analysis estimates that each ship cost an estimated 100,000 Labores the 21 built could each controlled approximately 250 Self Replicators, coordinating their laser defenses and shrapnel missile attacks. These supercomputers also managed the ship's extensive heating and cooling systems, life support, and the titanium grade 3d printers.
Of the 21 ships built before the War of Stars, 3 were destroyed by Admiral Corbin Tolle of the ICG, and 12 more were destroyed in the Battle of Ganymede. 6 more escaped the war and roamed the Asteroid belt afterwards, and all but 1 were hunted down and destroyed soon after.
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