Temple of the Black Dragon Organization in Hubworld | World Anvil
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Temple of the Black Dragon

Monastery: Temple of the Black Dragon, AKA Xuanwu Temple
Element: Void/Water
Orientation: Evil
Resident Classes: Monk, Clerk, Ninja, Thief, Yakuza, Votary (Xuanwu) Reverend, Bushi, Mariner
Location: NE coast, Dragon Empire
Founder: White Eyebrow
Affiliations/Alliances: Black Dragon temple is part of the broader Cult of Heidi and secretly affiliated with the Heidishitu. It leads a dual existence, allowed to operate within the Empire as a Xuanwu Temple and a training centre open to imperial citizens who meet the standards of the monks. But it secretly operates contrary to imperial law, training thieves and serving as the base of the Black Dragon Clan criminal organization. Additionally, the temple runs Xuanlong Gym in the nearby city of Hainchi, which maintains a fighting stable that participates in both imperial fighting leagues and international ones.


Common Script: Showee
Common Tongue: Showa
Liturgical Script: Hellprint
Liturgical Tongue: Devlish
Other Languages Taught: Pinwa, Demonic
Sage Topics: Animal Biology, Humanoid Biology, Massage, Plant Biology, Herbalism
Martial Arts: Wethand, Void Hand, Water Temple, Void Temple, Black Dragon, Lung Ying, Dongzee, Shequan, Soft Ninjutsu
Elemental Mastery: Void, Water
Weapons: Bo, Longstaff, Lirpa, Spear, Sang Kauw, Light Hammer, Jian, Nandao, Footman's Mace, Halberd, Hand Axe, Battle Axe, Pitch Fork, Fauchard-Fork, Hook Fauchard, Chakram, Chain Whip, Three-Piece Rod, Lajatang, Spear-Mace, Awl Pike, Trident, Flying Fork, Net, Liu Jin Tang Fork, Dagger, Dao, Snake and Crescent Spear, Spetum, Naginata, Bill, Bill-Guisarme, Bill Hook, Daab, Quarterstaff, Spike, Swordbreaker Dagger, Whip, Whip Disc, Xue Di Xi, Shield, Tonfa, Baston, Tiger Fork, Butterfly Swords, Falchion, Sickles, Kukri, Parang, Chain, Rope Dart, Knife, Nekode, Suntetsu, Sai, Kakute, Kumade,Ninja-To, Shikomizue, Shuriken, Needle, Garrote, Sash Kusari-Gama ,Kawanaga, Kyoketsu-Shogi, Blowgun, Hankyu, Pellet Bow, Light Crossbow, Hand Crossbow, Arquebus, Tanageshima, Nigiri-Teppo
Apprenticeships: Martialist, Purist, Stealthist
Classes Trained: Monk, Kensai, Bushi, Fighter, Ninja, Thief, Yakuza, Assassin, Reverend

Mythology & Lore

The following gods are revered at Xuanwu temple:
Xuanwu, Lord of the North, god of night, patron of martial arts, king of black dragons
Chih-Chiang Fyu-Ya, god of archers and vengeance
No Cha, god of thieves
Shan Hai Ching, god of the sea
Tou Mu, goddess of the north star
Xiangtoushen, god of ambition, luck, and wealth
Xiwangmu, goddess of darkness and destruction
Yen-Wang-Yeh, god of death

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