Shangdi Temple: The Sewanzee Organization in Hubworld | World Anvil
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Shangdi Temple: The Sewanzee

Monastery: Temple of Shangdi
Element: Spirit
Orientation: Good
Resident Classes: Monk, Votary (Shang-Ti), Reverend, Clerk, Sage-Mentalist, Sifu, Jogi/ni, Paladin, Lightsaver
Location: Serene Kingdom of the Elephant
Founder: The Pink Stranger
Affiliations/Alliances: The Sewanzee hold a privileged place in the Elephant kingdom as the original monastic order in the only remaining Serene Kingdom. The heir to the throne of the kingdom is chosen by the monks as a child, raised by them, and installed upon either the death or disgrace of the reigning monarch. Beyond this, the Sewanzee stay out of public affairs except to scold a ruler who strays from the path of righteousness. Shangdi Temple recommends star pupils to the Order of Lightsavers.


The Sewanzee order was founded in the context of ancient Southern Shou culture, but has come to embrace mostly Indric-based traditions since the 14th millennium.


In the late twelfth millennium, the warlord Daab Sauk united several jungle tribes under his flag and established a loose-knit empire across southern Shoulun. Believing gods of peace to be a waste of time, he turned most captured temples into military barracks and put organized clergy to death (sparing tribal shamans). By 12,000 AB, Sauk's grandson Daab III had brought the empire as far west as the border of the deeply religious mountain-jungle kingdom of Damri. It was at this point in time that the Pink Stranger came to teach the priests how to defend themselves. This was simultaneous with the arrival of the Green Stranger, the Blue Stranger, and the Invisible Stranger in the northern, eastern, and southern parts of the empire. Between the uprisings caused by these beings and their followers, and the formidable new fighting tactics of the Damrians, Daab's empire was not only unable to expand westward, but soon crumbled internally to be replaced by the Monkey, Snake, and Rat Serene Kingdoms. As instructed by the pink prophet of martial arts, the king of Damri placed his authority beneath the supremacy of the priest class and the Serene Kingdom of the Elephant was established. Today, it is the only remaining Serene Kingdom, its monarch fully deferential to the Sewanzee monks.


Common Script: Showee
Common Tongue: Showa
Liturgical Script: Dwarvish
Liturgical Tongue: Angelic
Other Languages Taught: Zoron, Elvish
Sage Topics: Calligraphy, Physics, Metaphysics, Theology, Religious Rites, Astronomy, Mathematics, Geometry, Numerology, Botany, Herbalism, Astrology, Humanoid Biology, Divine Law
Martial Arts: Spirithand, Spirit Temple Style, Old Neijing, Hop Gar, Joga, Elephant Gung Fu, Olden Throwing
Elemental Mastery: Spirit, Light, Time
Weapons: Bo, Longstaff, Guidestaff, Monk's Cudgel, Spear, Jo, Cane, Tambo, Jian, Butterfly Swords, Temple Broadsword, Temple Greatsword, Military Fork, Scholar's Pen, Changdao, Rope Dart, Chain Whip, Club, Cutlass, Javelin, Maru, Whip
Apprenticeships: Martialist, Purist, Scholar, Naturalist
Classes Trained: Reverend, Votary (Shang-Ti), Monk, Sohei, Clerk, Sifu, Paladin, Ksatriya, Fighter, Kensai, Youxia, Jogi/ni, Sannyasi/ni

Mythology & Lore

The following deities are revered at Shangdi Temple:
Shang-Ti, god of heaven, spirit, and agriculture
Bichuten, god of light
Brahma, god of creation
Kanjiten, god of bliss
Mugong, god of immortality
Nuwa, goddess of nature
Parvati, goddess of mercy
Suiten, god of truth
spirits of nature
Founding Date
12,000 AB

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