Demicorp Settlement in Huberous | World Anvil


These demiorges, often considered as powerful and semi-divine entities, call Demicorp their home. In this fantasy setting, a peculiar aspect of their society is an intense animosity towards dwarves. This deep-seated hatred has led to a situation where any encounter between a demiorge and a dwarf is immediately met with hostility and the onset of battle. The reasons for this enmity can vary and may be rooted in historical conflicts. See the article "The pact of the Ogre". The demiorges blame the dwarves for what has happened to them. After all, ogres no longer exist in this world only demiorge. The demiorges, being formidable beings themselves, have the power, strength, and magical abilities to engage in combat with dwarves and will do so just at the sight of them. They might perceive the mere presence of a dwarf as a direct challenge or an opportunity to demonstrate their superiority. This will often lead to immediate aggression without any chance for peaceful interaction or negotiation. The animosity towards dwarves in Demicorp likely permeates the society as a whole, with individuals adhering to the shared beliefs and prejudices against dwarves. It is possible that the hatred is so deeply ingrained that it has become an integral part of their cultural identity and is passed down through generations.   The city of Demicorp has a wealth of knowledge in the darker arts. Since the dominant race here is half demon, they have an innate ability to tap into the dark arts. Some of these rituals consists of communicating with demons, corrupting spells and potions, or disfiguring individuals for promises of power. Demicorp is the closest city to the dead world tree and is also next to the Death Mountains. Some of the rarest minerals are close to this city and the demiorges patrol the surrounding lands.
Large city


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