The Nexus Physical / Metaphysical Law in How the Tapir Fell | World Anvil

The Nexus

The Nexus. That is the true name of this place. It is an alternate world that has been consumed by a multiversal entity and now exists as many versions of itself at once. Where the entity ends and the Nexus begins no-one is quite sure. However, my colleagues and I believe it may have gained a certain level of sentience from being inside it for so long.   We weren't supposed to get sucked in. I was trying to figure out how to send a device inside the Nexus that could help us study it, perhaps even change it. But something went wrong... the gap between realities opened too wide, and the forces pulling us were too strong. And Timothy was there... He had a surprise for me. An elephant and a tapir, pendants to remind me of both of us.   I should have been paying attention.   The good news is, I have found the device. It has turned into a codex of sorts, a storybook you can change the ending of. If I follow the right path and activate the right version of reality, I can help Timothy survive his fall. The bad news is, I can only activate it once.   But with the device I can finally fix this. With it, I can get us back home before the Earth swallows him whole.   Wait for me, my love.    


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