Xardorok Sunblight Character in How Badly Can We Mess This Up? | World Anvil

Xardorok Sunblight (Hard rock cafe)

Xardorok Sunblight

A duergar warlock formerly of the Underdark. His patron, Deep Duerra, has urged Xardorok to fulfill his destiny and become the first duergar to rule a kingdom on the surface. Icewind Dale is cold, dark, and heartlessly cruel—the perfect realm for Xardorok to claim as despot. Unbeknownst to Xardorok, however, it is not Deep Duerra guiding his actions but the archdevil Asmodeus in the guise of Deep Duerra. In Xardorok, the Lord of the Nine Hells has found an eager and petty tyrant.   To achieve his goal, Xardorok is scouring the land for chardalyn, which he is forging into a dragon that he will send to destroy Ten-Towns. His sons, Durth and Nildar, lead teams of duergar on quests to retrieve more of this dark-colored crystal for their grasping, despotic father.   Xardorok's obsession with chardalyn is a form of madness that has consumed the duergar warlock, to the extent that he will stop at nothing to obtain all of it. Xardorok prizes chardalyn more than he loves his sons and his clan, which has alienated his closest advisors and forced them to question their blind obedience to him.   Prolonged contact with malevolent magic suffusing the chardalyn has made Xardorok extraordinarily paranoid. He keeps his two sons, Durth and Nildar, as far away from him as possible, sending them on dangerous missions to acquire more chardalyn in and around Ten-Towns, fearing that they might usurp his throne otherwise. Xardorok rewards his subjects for spying on one another and uncovering plots against him. The duergar closest to him are aware of the changes in his demeanor, but they lack the courage to stand up to him. A few have learned to capitalize on his paranoia, gaining Xardorok's favor by fabricating evidence of coups orchestrated by their rivals.
Current Location
Date of Death
19th of Flamerule 1492
Circumstances of Death
Death by adventurers
Deep Duerra
Ruled Locations


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