Void Degeneration Condition in Horizon of the Void | World Anvil

Void Degeneration

"There has been an outbreak of Void Degeneration near Conithia." "Conithia? But there isn't any void rifts anywhere near that system." "That's why we're concerned."
— The Head of Velani Internal Affairs speaking with Admiral Typhin
  A phenomenon that was only understood after the discovery of the Void and its properties, Void Degeneration is the break down of mental processes that occurs when a creature is around Void Energy for long periods of time without time to recuperate. It is most common near locations of increased Void Energy output, such as black holes and void rifts. Those suffering from the condition experience bouts of hallucination and an impending fear of death, usually based around loved ones. The most concerning aspect about this ailment, however, is how it is becoming gradually more prevalent in recent years even when far from active sources of Void radiation. Whether the spread of this degenerative disease can be stopped and reversed is unknown at this time.


Overexposure to Void Energy is the route cause for Void Degeneration, but requires those afflicted to have been exposed to such radiation for months on end. The longer the time of exposure and dosage the more severe the symptoms become.


Extreme bouts of paranoia and hallucination, usually based around seeing loved ones perish in some manner. Other common hallucinations are the break down of surrounding objects, seeing deceased loved ones, seeing things such as buildings and people that don't exist, and the loss of senses, especially sight. These symptoms only grow worse as time goes on until the victim of the ailment can no longer distinguish reality from hallucination and are in a constant state of fear.


The only course of action for treatment is to get the victim away from any source of Void Energy and hope the symptoms have not progressed too far. If they are caught early enough the ill may be cured by constant reinforcement of what is real and what is not with some Void cleansing drugs, and eventually reintegrated into society. Severe cases can not be cured, and are usually monitored and cared for to the best of a medical system's ability.

Cultural Reception

Most cultures view those suffering from the condition as in need of aid and try to surround them with loved ones. In severe cases they may be put in a mental/health institution for their own safety. There are some cultures that view it as a weakness, or something to be purged. Specific examples are the Celaakri Hive of Unity and the Alliance of the Worthy, both of which view it as a form of weakness, the Hive is particularly known for purging those showing even early symptoms. The worse treatment comes from the Geckil Holy Empire, who are infamous for completely ignoring those suffering from the condition and letting them simply die from malnutrition as their hallucinations worsen to the point of not seeing reality anymore.
Chronic, Acquired
Void Energy and Crystals
Technology / Science | May 31, 2019


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