Victracki Species in Horizon of the Void | World Anvil


Written by skullheadsoldiers

"When I first saw one of those Vicatty...what? Victracki? That's what their called? Whatever. Anyways, when I first saw one of them I swore I was on a bad trip, because there was no way my eyes were actually seeing a giant crab order Black Wine in the seediest bar this side of the Gorlonian Belt...actually, come to think of it, if I was going to see that anywhere, Slaczar's certainly was the place for it..."
— Fellion Borge, supposed prince of Celton

Basic Information


Victracki are a quadrupedal arthropod-like species, each leg facing outwards from the body, giving them an almost arachnid like gait. Their exoskeleton is made from a translucent material similar to chitin in composition and form that reveals their gelatinous looking, bioluminescent inner skin. Two large spikes protrude from their upper back at an acute angle, the shape and color of which vary between members of the species. They are used to express emotions and speech to others of their kin, with short bursts of electricity at varied rates and frequencies. Their bodies are ovoid in shape with their upper torso and neck curving outwards from the back portion of their body, rising up and over the majority of their form. Their head is ovoid in shape, with its elongated form being vertical in position. Two massive crescent shaped eyes sit on either side of a small crest, granting them excellent binocular vision.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Victracki, during their most fertile period, do not conceive children in pairs but instead lay eggs in a vast collective spawning pool. Females will lay around one to two eggs each during the spawning period. During this time males will gather to fertilize this vast collection of eggs with a great deal of ceremony. After a period of one full year, the eggs will begin to hatch and larvae will be born. For the first year of their lives in this stage they remain in the spawning pool, only being moved to a Youngling Household once they outgrow the spawning pool. This whole process only occurs every ten years.

Growth Rate & Stages

Victracki have rather long lives, generally living nearly three hundred years naturally, but can live longer with the aid of advanced medicines and technology. Due to this they mature rather slowly, not being considered fully adult until around fifty years into their lives, and only being sexually mature 20 years prior. As they age their horns continue to grow, some growing so long that they begin to bend towards their back. Their most vulnerable time is during the first ten years of their lives where their body gradually develops an exoskeleton, but also constantly sheds it due to rapid growth during this period.

Ecology and Habitats

Victracki can survive most climates without major issue, only struggling in colder environments due to their exothermic nature. Their preferred environment is of a tropical nature with high temperatures and equally high humidity levels. They also require oxygen, and struggle to survive in locations with lower oxygen levels than their home planetoid.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Victracki require sustenance near constantly due to their bodies high energy needs, and so developed a method of consuming fungal spores that are extremely prominent on their home planetoid. As their society and technology grew in complexity they developed methods of creating fungal farms, and eventually, canisters that contain fungal cultures. Each member of the race carries their own personal canister on their upper torso with hoses connected to the filtering mandibles all along the edges of their body.

Biological Cycle

Their planetoid lacks traditional seasons, not having a tilted axis, and so the majority of the planet is constantly in a tropical state. Due to this the only major impact that the seasons have on them biologically is that they become most capable of reproduction during the wettest time of their year, due to their infantile state being of a larval nature and requiring high volumes of moisture.

Additional Information

Social Structure

There is a lack of leadership in their society, due to a general understanding that all members of the Victracki should strive to get closer to the First in whatever they do. Due to this, the only thing that grants standing among their ranks is high degrees of wisdom and knowledge in all things involving the First. This has led to a rise in prominence for their more religiously minded members, as their fervent study into the nature of the First has inevitably furbished them with power among their peers. The most revered member in Victracki is given the title of the Empty Eye, and is viewed as the figure head of their society.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Victracki prefer to live near large fungal cultures, giving them an ample supply of food as they go about their lives. Throughout their advancement this has changed to building massive domed cities in similar areas, but with a great deal of care to not disrupt the local ecosystem, and therefore their food supply.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Victracki have excellent sensory capabilities, with only their hearing being sub-par compared to most other races. This is made up by their ability to sense vibrations through their legs, alerting them to the approach of predators or enemy forces by judging the minute distinctions in their movements. The entirety of the race has a strong connection to the Void, and so all of them are capable of manipulating the molecules around them to some degree. This is further enhanced by their longevity, allowing them to study in the Void far longer then most other races could ever accomplish.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

There aren't any traditional organizations in Victracki society. Everything is done for the whole of the people, and even those who wish for a more individualized life serve the goal of becoming closer to the First in their travels throughout the cosmos.

Average Technological Level

Interstellar Travel

Common Dress Code

The Victracki generally do not wear clothing, with the exception being during special ceremonies. During such special events they wear long flowing robes or sashes that hang from their heads and drape over their bodies almost like a tent. The colors of these robes vary, but are usually some form of blue, purple, or gold.
Lab 28
300 years (on earth)
Average Height
2.4-2.7 m
Average Weight
136-158 kg
Average Length
1.8-2 m
Average Physique
They are not particular strong physically, and some might say, even look a bit frail in terms of physical appearance.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their carapaces are generally of a muted coloration. This can vary from some shade of brown, to various grey tones. Underneath this carapace, however, is their bioluminescent flesh which comes in a variety of colors. Blues, purples, and greens are the most common colors seen in this context, and are most visible whenever a Victracki is emotionally stimulated or in a low light setting.
Related Myths
Sapient Species
Grave of the First
Geographic Location | Oct 23, 2018

This article has no secrets.


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