The Guildhall Building / Landmark in Horizon | World Anvil
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The Guildhall

The headquarters of the Adventuring Guild and home to the Iris.

Purpose / Function

Perhaps the most important building in the whole city to most people's minds. Until very recently it was the only path off-world to the many planes beyond the Iris.   A massive open hall forms a trade floor, benches for arrivals and depatures, and all manner of merchant and adventure. A massive board dominates one side with paper sheets along with bewitched clocks and counters present the schedule for the Iris. Workshops, equipment stores, livery, and warehouses fill the space around the building allowing for the transport of all the goods and personnel in and out of the city.


In ages long past the hall was constructed for the purpose of serving as a gateway station. It is believed by most scholars that Iris was constructed by the Travelers at the site. Legends speak of other portals that once dotted the city but these were believed to be legends until the manifestation of the Oculus.


A vast boxy building with a low profile. It is made of ancient stalwart Marda stonework that has held up very well through the centuries. The guildhall is constructed much like a train station with high vaulted ceilings, long rows of benches and seats. To one end a massive board maintained the list of departures, arrivals, and current assignments. The many storied guild offices and facilites are cobbled together out of new buildings linking to the hall. Beyond two massive doors lies the ever guarded Iris chamber.


The hall has existed for all of currently understood history and has always played a central part of Horizian life.
Owning Organization


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