The Chamber of Commerce Organization in Horizon | World Anvil
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The Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber of Commerce is one of the Pillars of Horizon that regulates the markets, coinage. and trade among Horizon and other contacted planes.


The Chamber of Commerce is led by the Executive Treasurer Maxwell Frederick Breland who, along with Councilman Bandix Kor, lead a Board of Directors consisting the heads of the Artisans, Craftsmen, Merchants, Caravaneers, and City Services. Though the board has control over their own groups and influence among the Chamber of Commerce, the final word on all decisions is made by the Executive Treasurer.

Public Agenda

The main goal of the Chamber of Commerce is to control the currency of Horizon, keep the best interest of any business in the city, and maintain and expand any trade contracts with other planes.


The Chamber of Commerce controls the banking system and has ties to all financial transaction with in Horizon


After the Assassination of the Royal Family, the House of Lords took control of the executive power, the the Chamber Bank of Horizon seized the opportunity and took control of the finances of Horizon. The House of Lords, being embroiled in the aftermath of the power upheaval, could not function without the financial backing of the Chamber and acquiesced to new organization.   The bank immediately began the process of unifying the various merchants. They began by extending deals to every shop and artisan. Many of the merchants saw reduced financial dues as compared to the taxes placed on them from the royals. Those who opposed the Chamber were either held over the fire til they joined, or had mysterious issues that caused them to close.

Knowledge is crafted

1 HY - N/A

Financial, Merchant League
Alternative Names
The Merchants Guild, The Chamber
Merchants, Craftsmen, Artisans


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