Refined Mana Physical / Metaphysical Law in Horin (Zyos IV) | World Anvil

Refined Mana

What is it?

  This is mana that has been processed by a channeller or a magical device that can channel Raw mana. It is safe and is used for spells on a one-for-one basis just like normal fatigue. A wizard can hold a finite amount in his body at one time. There is no bleed off and the magic created from it is much more stable, having very few of the dangers of Raw.  

Where do I find it?

  It does have the drawback of not being easily accessible unless one is bonded (or has hired) a channeler. Barring this, the wizard must possess a Raw Powerstone or Manastone to give him power. Although more reliable in terms of accessibility, the stone will not require a time to recharge and can explode if emptied quickly, as it will almost always contain at least one point of Raw mana. It is bound to one specific power point as well, making recharging slower the farther away from this point the wizard gets.   Still, there are no morals attached to a Powerstone, unlike channelers who always have a code they follow. This can get in the way if the magi's beliefs do not coincide with the channeler's. Many times a channeler has left a job with an unscrupulous wizard, leaving him powerless and without recourse.  

How do I get/use it?

  As mentioned above, the wizard may receive power from magical devices or from a channeler. They both have advantages and disadvantages, although if you can ally yourself with a channeler that agrees with your morals, you will have far more power when you need it.