Great Arena Building / Landmark in Horin (Zyos IV) | World Anvil

Great Arena

Written by ChrisColbath

The Dwarven Realms allow the best fighters from around the world to come and fight in the greatest arena ever built.

Purpose / Function


  Each fighter will have a single elimination in the fight in their chosen city. Any one may attempt to compete, and there will be fights all day and all night until there is one left as the sole winner in the city. These have been known to take weeks to complete.   After any given fight, all participants will be healed. The Dwarven healers pride themselves on stopping any life from being lost.   Warriors will be judged by the way they fight, as well as by winning. If the judges feel someone has behaved in a non-honourable way, they will be banned from the tourney. This is an arbitrary ruling on the Judge’s part, and will normally be unanimous. It can be contested, if the warrior in question is willing to be Witnessed by the Smith.


The area is built over the Earth Nexus .


Every 5 years for over 1000 years, the King Below sends his emissaries about the world to recruit the best warriors to compete in his Arena. They will make the rounds to all of the major cities and hold battles, taking the winner of each Below.

Cities of Testing:



  Freeport (Eastern Shore)
Westport (Western Shore)

The Mainland

  Whitefall (Southeastern Shore)
The Desert Oasis (Western Desert)
The Hall of Animals (Eastern Plains)
Korlann City (North Eastern Shore)
The Elven Glades (Eastern edge of the Great Range)
Chesshed (Western Shores)
The Eyrie (North Western Shore)
High Town (Western edge of the Great Range)
Alternative Names
The Arena of the Great Halls Below
Owning Organization