Sebastian Taverner Character in Honey Badger Adventures | World Anvil
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Sebastian Taverner

For Sale:

Bottle of Fine Wine 50gp per bottle

Rundlet of Ale 12gp per rundlet

Hunk of Cheese 6sp per 1/2lb

Chunk of Meat 3sp per 1/2lb

Rations (1 day) 5sp per ration

Cream (1 gallon) 5sp per pitcher

Milk (1 Gallon) 6sp per pitcher

Jug of Ale (1 Gallon) 6sp per pitcher

Common Wine (1 Gallon) 6sp per pitcher

Mug of Mead 5sp mer mug

Mug of Ale 4cp per mug



Fresh Meat and is willing to pay 2sp per 1lb

Salt 1lb and is willing to pay 1gp per 1lb

Current Location
Current Residence
Ruled Locations

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