Rupert Johnson Character in Honey Badger Adventures | World Anvil
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Rupert Johnson

Alderman Rupert Johnson

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rupert Johnson was the Alderman of Ramshore and would usually shared his governance of the town with Captain Lassard. However as acting lieutenant in the absence of the Lord of Ramshore Walter Manny, Rupert is the ultimate authority for the time being.

Rupert Johnson is a member of the Neverwinter Council, through these interactions he has come in contact with the membership of the Five Pointed Star, aiding them in acquiring slaves. He has recently become a member himself.


Family Ties

Religious Views

Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Death
1502 CE
Circumstances of Death
Burned to death by Inquisitor Parzival Faurir.
Aligned Organization

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